Fun and crazy facts you never knew about pacifiers

How much do you know about the history of the "fuss plug"? Learn more here!

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We all know what a pacifier is and how they're used, but how much do you really know about your baby's binky?

Medical experts and parents have been divided on whether or not to introduce a pacifier to your children. In fact, the pros and cons of pacifiers  in the realm of parenting are very well known. In any case, today we'll be looking at some of the craziest facts about pacifiers that you probably never knew!

She Knows recently shared an awesome video post that creatively covers some amazing bits of info about "fuss plugs"; here are some of our favourites:

1. First use

Source: She Knows

The first recorded use of a pacifier dates back to 1473. The use was recorded in a book from Germany titled A Guide on Young Children.

2. "Sugar rag teether"

Source: She Knows

Mommies and daddies of the 1500s would use an iteration of the pacifier known as the "sugar rag teether". This model used coarse sugar, wrapped in linen cloth. It was then tied in a knot creating a small pack that babies could use to soothe their gums while teething.

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3. 17th century binkies

Source: She Knows

Pacifiers in 17th century England were typically made of corals! Other models of the time were made of ivory and bone.

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4. "Born with a silver spoon in mouth"

Source: She Knows

The idiom "born with a silver spoon in mouth" originated from an old teething routine used by affluent English families in the 1800s. Wherein, babies gnawed on silverware to alleviate their teething pains.

5. The appearance of the "modern model"

Source: She Knows

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The first "modern model" was designed in the early 1900s. This model was the first to feature a rubber nipple, choking guard, and handle.


6. The first sale of modern pacifiers

Source: She Knows

Famous retail store Sears is credited as the first company to sell the modern pacifier on a mass scale. They marketed these pacifiers as a "rubber teething ring" in the company's 1902 catalogue.


Check out the informative and interesting video on She Knows by clicking here.


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