Felicia Chin Slapped on First Day of Primary 1 and She Didn't Know What She Did Wrong

"I can't remember what happened but I thought there's only so much you can do as a Primary One kid, like a scared little kid," she said.

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Spare the rod, spoil the child. But what if the rod leaves a mark instead?

For local actress Felicia Chin, the memory of being slapped on the first day of Primary One still haunts her and it has even contributed to a rather unhealthy obsession with perfectionism.

In a recent episode of the R U Okay? podcast with Jean Danker, 37-year-old Felicia confessed that she is afraid to make mistakes and has attributed the origin of that fear to a particular point in her life.She said:

“If I can’t do 100 upon 100, I’ll feel like I’m not good enough… and I just realised why… I recounted back when I was a primary school kid, I remember that on my very first day of school, I was slapped by my teacher. “Back then, this was still acceptable.”


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It was also pretty intense as the teacher “pulled [my] cheek the furthest she could go” before slapping her. When Jean asked what happened, Felicia replied:

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“I can’t remember what happened but I thought there’s only so much you can do as a Primary One kid, like a scared little kid. “And I think that kind of scarred me — I’m afraid of making mistakes. To me, if you make mistakes, [it] equals to pain, equals to punishment.”

This translated to her studies as well, she confessed.

Her teacher segregated the class into two groups — “Apple” and “Orange” — with the latter being made up of students at the bottom of the class.

So, Felicia worked really hard to get into the “Apple” group. She said:

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“I realised that looking back right, that affected me… I think it affected the way I viewed things or lived as an adult growing up.”

This article was first published on AsiaOne and republished on theAsianparent with permission.


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