Baby falls to death from escalator reminding us to never neglect child safety

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WARNING: This article contains a video with distressing footage

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In an shocking incident that took place on 10 May, a child falls off escalator when her parents were trying to snap a selfie. 

Reports say the little girl — who was just 10 months old — slipped through her mother’s arms and plunged to her death over the railing of the escalator. 

child falls off escalator

This is the first selfie instance captured by CCTV. You can watch the video at the end of the article. But do note the footage is very distressing.

Child Falls Off Escalator and Dies: What Happened? 

According to The New Straits Times and The New Paper, the family from Rajasthan, India, had just taken their little girl for a medical checkup. They followed this with a visit to a nearby mall. 

Video footage shows exactly what happens, and the heart-stopping moment when the child falls off escalator to her death. 

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First, the couple are seen taking a selfie near the escalator. The mum — wearing orange — is carrying the baby girl. 

Next, they walk off, and re-emerge on CCTV on the escalator, travelling up. According to witnesses, the husband had asked his wife for a selfie. The mother was on the side of the railing, and at the request, reportedly lost her balance and dropped the baby, explain witnesses. 

The baby tumbled over the railings and into the gap, falling three storeys down. Video footage shows the horrified parents looking over the railings after the child falls off escalator. Then they dash down to find her. 

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However, according to reports, the little one died instantly after hitting the floor. 

Police have issued a statement saying: “This is a clear-cut case of an accident.” No legal action will be taken against the parents.

Here at theAsianparent, our hearts go out to the bereaved parents. We cannot imagine the pain you must be feeling right now. 

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Escalator safety for kids when out and about, is a must. What other safety tips should you know of?

A Clear Need for Child Safety Awareness When Out and About

Earlier, we brought you the tragic story about a mum who tripped on her stilettos while carrying her six-month-old baby. The child plunged over a balcony wall to his death. 

The best way to prevent such incidents from taking place is to educate ourselves and others about child safety practices when out and about. 

Your Baby’s Safety When Away from Home: Tips to Keep in Mind

  • Always be aware of your surroundings, and be alert to what your child is doing. We all love to take selfies with our little ones especially when we are out. But a moving escalator is not the place to do this this.
  • Similarly, any place that is high up and where the railing ends at an adult’s waist-level is unsafe to take selfies while carrying a baby. Babies are wriggly, and can easily slip out of your arms in a split second if you are distracted.
  • Likewise, toddlers and young children are small enough to slip through fence railings, for example, those at scenic locations. 
  • Do NOT allow children to play near escalators, travellators (in airports, for example) or lifts.
  • Instruct older children to stand in the middle of escalator steps. Hold their hand until they step off. 
  • Do NOT take strollers up or down escalators. Use the lift instead. 
  • If you are at a mall with older kids, instruct them about what to do should they get lost. They could go to the lobby, or inform a security officer, for example. Get them to memorise your phone number. 
  • If your helper or another carer takes your children out often, make them understand how important it is to always keep their attention on your kids. Not on their phones. Never elsewhere. 

WARNING: Distressing Video Footage

Also read: 18 Fail-safe ways to baby-proof your home

References: The New Paper, New Straits Times

Written by

Nalika Unantenne