How to Stop Checking Your Phone First Thing in the Morning

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When you first wake up in the morning, do you find yourself reaching for your phone? Before even getting out of bed, do you mindlessly scroll through social media or check your email? It’s not just you.

In today’s highly connected world, it’s simple to feel as though we must be plugged in constantly. However, checking our phones nonstop can be more detrimental than helpful.

Here are some suggestions to help you stop checking your phone first thing in the morning.

1. Keep your phone out of reach

Keeping your phone out of reach is one of the simplest ways to stop checking it first thing in the morning. Try setting your phone across the room from your bed if you use it as an alarm so you have to get out of bed to turn it off. This modest adjustment will have a significant impact on how you start your day.

2. Establish a morning routine

A morning routine can help you get a good start on the day and lessen the urge to check your phone. To feel centred and focused, try incorporating practises like meditation, stretching, or journaling into your daily routine.

3. Set boundaries

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Setting phone limits is critical, especially in the morning. Make the first hour after you wake up a “no phone” period. This can help you focus on your own needs and priorities before being drawn into the digital world.

4. Don’t use your phone as an excuse

Many of us use our phones to avoid doing things we don’t want to do, such as exercising or preparing breakfast. Instead of reaching for your phone first thing in the morning, try setting a goal to do something productive or enjoyable.

5. Turn off notifications

Notifications can be a significant distraction, making it difficult to resist checking your phone. Turn off non-essential notifications or set your phone to “do not disturb” mode at certain times of day.

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6. Use a real alarm clock

If you use your phone as an alarm clock, it’s tempting to check your messages or emails as soon as you wake up. To help break the habit, try using a traditional alarm clock instead.

7. Practice mindfulness

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Mindfulness is a powerful tool for stress reduction and increased focus. In order to feel more centred and present in your morning routine, try incorporating mindfulness practises such as deep breathing or visualisation.

Breaking the habit of checking your phone first thing in the morning can be difficult, but it’s well worth it. Establishing a morning routine, setting boundaries, and practising mindfulness can help you start your day on the right foot while reducing stress and distractions caused by constant phone use. So, the next time you wake up, resist the urge to reach for your phone and instead focus on being in the present moment. Your mind and body will be grateful.

Written by

Matt Doctor