A nutritious, varied, and healthy diet plays a crucial role during pregnancy as the nutrients are passed on to your growing foetus. During this time, expecting mums are also advised to consume multivitamins and of course, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. While vegetables may still be easy to incorporate in various recipes, fruits can be a tricky one, not unless you love mango.
As long as it is in moderation and is ripe, you shouldn’t have any health issues. However, the problem arises while eating mango during pregnancy third trimester.
Read on to know why this can be an issue and how you can continue eating mango during pregnancy third trimester.
Should I Eat Mango During Pregnancy Third Trimester?
Image source: iStock
Yes, as long as it is in moderation. As is the case with every fruit, mangoes also have many advantages. It is considered a great source of essential nutrients that are good for the development of your baby.
This king of fruits–as it is also called–contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B6. It is also a rich source of potassium, fibre, antioxidants, folic acid, and iron. Here’s a breakup of the amount of vitamins and minerals you consume with a single mango.
- Iron: Per 100 gram, mangoes have 0.43 mg iron. Iron, as you know, increases haemoglobin and red blood cells, and an expecting mum requires more haemoglobin than others to prevent anaemia.
- Dietary fibre: Mangoes contain dietary fibre that improves digestion during pregnancy. Dietary fibre helps in avoiding constipation, which is a common problem in pregnancy.
- Folic acid and Vitamin B6: Pregnant women need folic acid and Vitamin B6 for proper fetal development. Therefore, mango can help in the development of your baby’s nervous system.
- Vitamin C: This is another reason to eat mango during pregnancy third trimester. It acts as a potent antioxidant that prevents the growth of free radicals in the human body. It also reduces the risk of preterm labour, which in Singapore has seen an increase from 7.2% to 9.5% in the last decade.
- Vitamin A: Vitamin A in mangoes helps in developing the baby’s bones and teeth as well as the eyesight.
- Calories. Mangoes also contain high calories that give you the energy that you indeed need in the third trimester
Apart from this, mangoes are also a rich source of potassium, magnesium, and natural sugars.
In addition to the numerous benefits of mangoes during pregnancy, it is worth noting that they are also a rich source of folic acid, which is essential for proper fetal development. Folic acid plays a crucial role in the development of the baby’s nervous system, making mangoes a great addition to a pregnant woman’s diet.
If you’re looking for a reliable source of folic acid, we recommend trying the Biofinest Folic Acid. It is a high-quality supplement that can provide you with the necessary folic acid during pregnancy.
Risks of Eating Mango During Pregnancy Third Trimester
Image source: iStock
Eating mangoes in moderation during pregnancy is safe. But it still poses some risks when consumed during the third trimester.
- The risk factor of eating mango in pregnancy arises when you eat chemically ripened mangoes. The chemical that producers use in ripening mangoes is calcium carbide. As is the case with most chemicals, this is also a strict ‘no’ for a pregnant woman as it can hinder in the growth and development of the baby.
- Mangoes contain high sugar that makes them a good alternative to cakes when you have a sweet tooth. But this can put you at a higher risk of development of gestational diabetes. Here is how you manage and reduce the risk of gestational diabetes.
- When you are pregnant, eat mangoes in moderation, else it may lead diarrhoea and dehydration.
Now, while you can still control the previous two things: keeping diabetes at bay and consume smaller amounts, it is the unripened mango that is the tricky one. So how do you identify it?
How to recognise artificially ripened mango?
If you want to be sure if the mango you buy is artificially ripened or naturally ripened, consider the following points:
- Artificially ripened mangoes will have a greyish and whitish or black powdery coating.
- Naturally ripened mangoes will smell sweet, while chemically ripened mangoes will provide a garlic-like odour.
- Chemically ripened mangoes will look ripe outside but will be raw and hard inside.
- Mangoes that are chemically ripened have a short shelf-life. They begin to develop black patches and signs and may also look overripe.
Side Effects of Eating Mango During Pregnancy Third Trimester
Just to reiterate, if you buy naturally ripened mangoes, you do not have to worry much about the side effects. However, artificially ripened mangoes or too much consumption during third trimester may lead to the following:
- Dizziness
- Diarrhoea
- Headaches
- Upset stomach
- Mood swings and disturbances
- Seizures
- Mouth ulcers
- Tingling and numbness in hands and feet
Image source: iStock
How to Eat Mango During Pregnancy Third Trimester?
Eating mango in moderation is good for an expecting mum’s health and so its consumption is also important. Ideally, one mango a day is recommended. But just for easier reference here are some points to remember before you eat mango during pregnancy third trimester:
- Buy seasonal mangoes only.
- Check them properly and buy unripe mangoes, let them get ripened naturally at home.
- Wash the mango thoroughly before eating.
- Peel the skin, do not directly eat or put the skin in the mouth.
- Wash your hands, knife, and other equipments that directly or indirectly come in contact with the mangoes.
Alternative Fruits That Can Provide Equal Nutritional Benefits
In case you can not find seasonal mangoes in the market, or you do not feel like eating mangoes, and want an alternative that provides equal nutritional benefits, do not worry!
In that case, you can have bananas, a fruit full of potassium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, and fibre. Bananas can also help relieve nausea and vomiting during the first trimester of pregnancy. They also have all the nutrients that your body needs during pregnancy, as per Ministry of Health, Singapore.
Another alternative to mangoes with equal nutrition are apples. They are rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C, along with potassium.
The prognosis is that yes, you can definitely eat mangoes during third trimester. They are full of essential nutrients. Specifically, the nutrients you need during the third trimester. However, do not eat mangoes excessively. Make sure to eat fresh-seasonal mangoes in moderation. Also, avoid eating artificially ripened mangoes.
Happy pregnancy!
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