One of the residents who goes by the name of Mr Kong, said he only used the tap water to bathe and to wash clothes. “But when I think about the body, I still feel a bit squeamish,” the 47-year-old added.
Maid’s body uncovered in a water tank
Eight out of 10 residents whom MediaCorp spoke to yesterday at around 6pm said they had taken to drinking bottled water. This, at least 18 hours after the water supply had been restored.
They are still in two minds whether to consume the water from their taps.
Maid’s body found in water tank, leaves residents shocked and in disbelief. | Image courtesy: Stock image
According to doctors, potential health risks depend on how long the body had been submerged.
Mr Rahmat Ani, who lives on the ninth floor, said he is worried about his family. “My wife and children are scared because of the incident. But I’m not that worried. I grew up in a kampung and the water was not very clean too.”
The 30-year-old Indonesian maid’s body was found in a water tank on the block’s rooftop on Monday at around 10am.
The water supply to residents was cut off about an hour later. By then, some residents noticed that their tap water was slightly yellow and frothy.
Sembawang Town Council cleans tank where maid’s body was uncovered
After the water supply was cut off, the Sembawang Town Council began washing, flushing and sterilising all the eight water tanks. Theywere serving the block as well as the distribution pipes. On Monday, PUB had said the water supply should be restored by midnight.
Yesterday, when MediaCorp visited the block, residents were spotted still lugging buckets of water up from the washing area at the void deck – which comes from another source – up to their homes.
Still, other residents said they had no second thoughts about consuming the tap water in their homes.One resident told MediaCorp: “I read in the newspaper today that the town council has taken care of the water. So it should be okay.”
Concurring, another resident Alvin Verjara, 33, added: “I heard the sounds of the water tanks being flushed yesterday.”
At the lift lobby, a notice put up by the town council informed residents that the water supply had been restored and advised them to run the water for five minutes before using it.
A 27-year-old Bangladeshi man was arrested on Monday by the police. He will be charged in court today with murder.
Also read:Shocking! Domestic maid forced to sleep outside with dog, dies