Best Twin Stroller Options To Take Your Babies and Toddlers Around the City

Double strollers are a great investment for growing families with at least two babies. Check out the best twin stroller options in Singapore.

Bringing your kids around can be a challenge, especially for families with twins or multiple toddlers that are close in age. Luckily, double stroller options are here for you!  With just one stroller, you can bundle up both your kids or your twins and take them around easily. In addition, you can have your baby essentials within arm’s reach. 

A twin stroller, also known as a double stroller, also serves as a comfortable space for your little ones to sleep comfortably after a long day.

If you have twins, two toddlers close in age, or a baby and a toddler, a double stroller can give your smaller child a cosy spot to rest while also providing a safe option for your elder child to rest in when they get too tired. 


Benefits of a double stroller

Source: iStock

Hey there, supermoms and superdads! If you've been blessed with two bundles of joy, you know that life can be twice as exciting and twice as challenging. But we've got a secret weapon that will make your parenting adventures a breeze — a double stroller!

Forget about juggling two separate strollers or breaking the bank by buying them. A double stroller is like a one-stop shop for your baby's transportation needs. It's space-saving, cost-effective, and perfect for all sorts of adventures.

Imagine strolling through the park, running errands, or just taking a leisurely walk with both of your babies in tow. With a double stroller, you can do it all without breaking a sweat. Plus, your little ones will love being able to ride side by side and keep each other entertained.

If you want to simplify your parenting life and have double the fun, consider investing in a double stroller. Your babies (and your wallet) will thank you!


How to choose the best double stroller?

A twin stroller in Singapore come in different shapes and styles, thus we have narrowed down the choosing process to the consideration of these key factors:

  • Type:  Double strollers come in either side-by-side or tandem. Thus, you should choose the stroller baby twin type that is suitable for you. Side-by-side strollers have seats that are positioned next to each other and are; hence, beneficial as they provide kids with adequate legroom and sufficient shade.

    Meanwhile, tandem strollers are single-file seats with one seat situated in front of the other. This type is advantageous as they are easier to manoeuvre through narrow doorways and aisles and are generally more compact.

  • Easy to clean: Choose baby strollers that are easy to clean, for example, those that have detachable seat cushions for effortless cleaning. 

  • Storage: Picking a twin stroller Singapore has to offer should not be that hard. Choosing a stroller with an abundant amount of space for your baby's essentials and other necessities is important because this can make bringing your babies out and about a much more convenient process.

  • Price: We’ve gathered twin stroller options that are budget-friendly, while at the same time do not sacrifice quality, comfort, or safety.

    Additionally, we have also included a few high-end strollers which may offer users added features for convenience and can serve as great investments for those who are looking to have more kids in the future.


Best double strollers in Singapore

Here are our top recommendations of stroller for twins that will make bringing out your two little ones an easy feat!

Best Twin Strollers in Singapore
Mountain Buggy Nano V3 Stroller
Best Eco-Friendly Twin Stroller
Buy Now
Lucky Baby® City Dou Plus™ Twin Stroller
Best Budget Twin Stroller
Buy Now
Joie Double Stroller
Most Comfortable
Buy Now
Graco Double Stroller
Best in Folding
Buy Now
LittleBabyBernice BabyStore Reclinable Twin Stroller
Best Double Stroller for Comfort and Convenience
Buy from Shopee
BABYGOGO T2 Tandem Stroller Twins Baby Pram
Best Double Stroller for Versatility
Buy from Shopee


Mountain Buggy Nano V3 Stroller

Best Eco-Friendly Twin Stroller 

The Red Dot award-winning Mountain Buggy Nano V3 Stroller is known for its eco-friendly properties. It's a tandem stroller that is lightweight and compact. 

On account of the high-quality aircraft-grade lightweight aluminum the stroller is made of, it has exceptional maneuverability which makes steering  effortless.

Moreover, this product is environmentally-sound as the majority of it is recyclable. Not only does the stroller have universal car seat compatibility but is also suited to accommodate newborns right from the start.

Features we love:

  • Fully reclining.
  • Convenient travel system belt.
  • Easy to clean.


Lucky Baby® City Dou Plus™ Twin Stroller

Best Budget Twin Stroller


If you’re looking for a high-quality stroller that won’t break the bank, the Lucky Baby® City Dou Plus™ Twin Stroller is an ideal choice!

Lucky Baby® prioritises safety through its 5 points adjustable safety harness that ensures your baby is comfortable and secured. It also promotes a smooth and even ride throughout its lockable front-swivel wheels with suspension that enables superior maneuverability.

Furthermore, apart from being equipped with an extra-large storage basket to store all your baby essentials, this twin tandem stroller also features individual mesh canopies for ventilation and footrests to boost your baby’s comfort.

Features we love:

  • Removable front bar for easy access.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Lightweight.


Joie Double Stroller

Most Comfortable

Joie Double Stroller is the most comfy stroller for your children. This can take up to 360 degrees turn as it as four 360° swivelling wheels that allow you to pilot with precision. Also, it can be easily reversed with its handles and its lie-flat recline can be so cosy for your two babies or toddlers. 

Joie Twin Stroller is the best choice for comfortability. 

Features we love:

  • Reversible push bar.
  • 360° swivelling wheels.
  • Flex suspension.
  • Has a comfort ride system for up to a 50% smoother stroll.


Graco Double Stroller

Best in Folding

The Graco Double Stroller - Ready2Grow LX 2.0 Clark can accommodate a minimum weight of around 50 pounds and its weight is 32 pounds. This is best in folding as it can be folded like a single stroller, which can make commuting and storing easy for parents. 

Moreover, the Graco Double Stroller has two seats and has a close-to-you rear seat that makes it convenient for you to connect with your baby while outside. 

Features we love:

  • Small-folding. 
  • Has two stroller seats, a bench seat, and a standing platform. 
  • Compatible with infant car seats from Graco. 


LittleBabyBernice BabyStore Reclinable Twin Stroller

Best Double Stroller for Comfort and Convenience

This reclinable twin stroller from LittleBabyBernice BabyStore is a great choice for parents with two little ones. It offers a comfortable ride for your babies with its reclining seats and adjustable footrests.

The stroller is easy to manoeuvre and folds up compactly for storage or travel. You'll love the convenience of the large storage basket and the included cup holder for your drinks on the go.

Features We Love:

  • Comfortable
  • Convenient
  • Compact


BABYGOGO T2 Tandem Stroller Twins Baby Pram

Best Double Stroller for Versatility

The BABYGOGO T2 Tandem Stroller is a versatile option for parents with twins or children of different ages. It can be used as a sit-and-stand stroller, allowing your older child to ride along while your younger one sits comfortably in the front seat.

The stroller is easy to push and steer, and it comes with a range of useful features like a large canopy, an adjustable handlebar, and ample storage space.

Features We Love:

  • Versatile
  • Easy to use
  • Well-equipped


Price comparison table

To sum up, double strollers are helpful for you to help manage two young children and bring along their baby equipment.

Thus, we have included a price comparison table of the 5 best twin strollers we have recommended above.

Product Price
Mountain Buggy Nano V3 Stroller $365.20
Lucky Baby® City Dou Plus™ Twin Stroller $209.00-$299.00
Joie Double Stroller $503.10
Graco Double Stroller $320.16
LittleBabyBernice BabyStore Reclinable Twin Stroller $139.00
BABYGOGO T2 Tandem Stroller Twins Baby Pram $279.00

Note: Each item and price is up to date at the time of publication. However, an item may be sold out or the price may be different at a later date.


A parent's guide to keeping your double stroller spotless

Hey there, super parents! If you're the proud owner of a double stroller, you know how much of a lifesaver it can be when you're out and about with your little ones. But let's be real, those strollers can get pretty grimy after a while. From sticky fingerprints to crumbs galore, it's time to give your trusty ride a much-needed cleaning.

  • First things first, let's tackle those fabric seats. Remove them from the stroller frame and toss them in the washing machine on a gentle cycle with some mild detergent. If you're feeling extra fancy, you can even add a little fabric softener to keep them smelling fresh and clean.
  • Next up, it's time to get down and dirty with the stroller frame. Grab a damp cloth and some mild soap and give it a good wipe-down. Don't forget to get into all those nooks and crannies where dirt and grime love to hide. If you're dealing with some stubborn stains, a little baking soda and water paste can work wonders.
  • Now, let's talk about those wheels. They've been through a lot, rolling over all sorts of terrain, so it's time to show them some love. Remove any debris stuck in the treads and give them a good scrub with a brush and some soapy water. If they're still looking a little lacklustre, a quick spritz of silicone lubricant can help them roll like new again.
  • Finally, don't forget about all those little accessories that make your stroller complete. Give your cup holders, snack trays, and storage baskets a good wipe-down with a damp cloth and some mild soap.

And voila! Your double stroller is now squeaky clean and ready for its next adventure.


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Written by

Patricia Wang