Preparing for Your Baby’s Arrival - A Checklist for Singaporean Mums

Preparing for your baby’s big arrival? Here’s a simple checklist to make sure you're ready, from nursery essentials to postpartum care. You’ve got this, Mom!

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Welcoming a new baby into the family is exciting. While you may feel a mix of emotions — joy, nervousness, and even a bit of anxiety — having a plan can help ease your mind. Whether it’s your first or third child, preparing for your baby’s arrival is essential. Here’s a relatable and simple checklist to help Singaporean moms get ready for the big day.

1. Setting Up the Nursery

Your baby’s room or sleep space should be cosy, safe, and practical. You don’t need a massive space, but having a few essentials ready will make life easier when your little one comes home.

  • Crib or Bassinet – Ensure it meets safety standards. Many Singaporean moms opt for a bassinet for the first few months because it takes up less space and can be moved around the house.
  • Changing Station – Whether it’s a designated changing table or a portable changing mat, have a convenient spot with easy access to diapers, wipes, and baby cream.
  • Baby Monitor – A baby monitor offers peace of mind, especially if your baby will be sleeping in another room. In Singapore’s compact homes, this can be a practical way to keep an ear on your baby without being in the same room.

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2. Stocking Up on Baby Essentials

You don’t need to buy everything right away, but having key items before the baby arrives can save you from last-minute shopping trips. Singapore’s baby stores and online platforms like Lazada and Shopee make it easy to stock up from the comfort of home.

  • Clothing – Start with a few sets of newborn onesies, mittens, socks, and a couple of swaddles. Singapore’s warm climate means you’ll need breathable fabrics like cotton.
  • Diapers and Wipes – Stock up on newborn-size diapers and wipes. Whether you choose disposables or cloth diapers, having enough on hand will help avoid any panic.
  • Bath Essentials – A baby bathtub, gentle soap, and a soft towel are must-haves for your baby’s bath time. Many parents in Singapore also use traditional baby bath herbs to promote relaxation.

3. Preparing for Postpartum Recovery

The focus is often on the baby, but don’t forget to take care of yourself, too. Postpartum recovery is an important part of the journey, and preparing ahead can make a huge difference.

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  • Comfortable Clothes – Have loose, comfy clothes ready for those early postpartum days. Maternity or nursing bras will make breastfeeding easier if that’s part of your plan.
  • Postpartum Care Kit – Stock up on maternity pads, breast pads, and any other items you may need to support your recovery. In Singapore, some moms prefer traditional postpartum care like confinement, which focuses on rest and specific foods to help recovery.

4. Planning for Support

Whether you’re doing this solo or with the help of family, having a support system in place is crucial.

  • Confinement Nanny – In Singapore, many families hire a confinement nanny for the first month. She can help with newborn care and assist in preparing confinement meals.
  • Family and Friends – Don’t hesitate to reach out to family members for help, whether it’s babysitting your older kids or preparing meals. Many hands make light work.

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5. Finalizing Hospital Plans

Make sure your hospital bag is packed and ready to go, ideally a few weeks before your due date.

  • Hospital Bag – Include essentials like your maternity notes, a comfortable robe, toiletries, and an outfit for you and your baby to go home in.
  • Hospital Registration – In Singapore, you may need to pre-register at the hospital where you plan to give birth. Make sure all the paperwork is in order.

Embrace the Journey

Preparing for your baby’s arrival can be overwhelming, but having a checklist helps keep things manageable. Every parent’s journey is different, and there’s no one right way to do things. The most important thing is to ensure you feel ready, supported, and excited for this new chapter in your life.

Enjoy the process, and remember – once your baby is in your arms, all the planning will have been worth it.

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Written by

Pheona Ilagan