Allan Wu's fitness secrets for his family

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It is not easy being a working parent, let alone a celebrity. We chat with much sought after actor, host, presenter and dedicated family man, Allan Wu on his secrets to keeping balance amidst his hectic schedules and helping his family stay healthy.

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Family fitness

We check in with our celebrity this month, Allan Wu, the host of The Amazing Race Asia and Ripley’s Believe It or Not, brand ambassador and spokesperson to elite brands like True Yoga Fitness centers, Tag Heuer and Carlsberg Singapore, on his little secrets to achieving that perfect balance.

The busy Fly Entertainment artiste is also the devoted husband to celebrity actress/presenter Wong Li Lin and doting dad to Sage, 6 and Jonas, 3. (TAP): You are one of the most sought after actors and presenters in Singapore, and on top of that you model, are an ambassador for various environmental organizations, and head a family. How do you cope?

Allan: I think it all comes down to balancing and prioritizing what is most important to each individual.  We all can’t have everything we want or desire in life, so the challenges arise in trying to assess how to make it all work.  Fortunately, my job allows me a considerable amount of time to spend with my family, and I try to make the most of that time with them.  No matter how busy I am, I always make the effort to stay healthy because that’s the first step in maintaining a positive outlook and disposition no matter how tired or exhausted I might be.  From there, it’s simply a matter of determining how much time and effort I would like to put into each of my endeavors based on how important they are to me.  Of course, this is and will always be a work in progress, but I do enjoy the process of learning how to balance my work and personal life.


TAP: Both you and Li Lin are hailed as The Power Couple with packed schedules, and yet still able to achieve that perfect balance between work and home life.  What is your secret to that balance and still manage to look so fabulous.

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Allan: I believe that a lot of what you see on the outside is simply a reflection (or extension) of how you feel on the inside.  Simply put, how you go about your daily business (or life) is directly based on your attitude.  If you are able to maintain an optimistic and positive outlook and attitude, then people around you will see and feel it.  Sure, everyone gets frustrated, angry, and depressed from time to time, but it’s how you deal with these negative emotions and unfortunate situations that play an integral part in the way you look and project yourself.  Of course, having a good attitude is only a start.  The next step is having the discipline and motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle that incorporates a consistent and effective diet and workout regimen.  It’s important to stay active and workout, especially when you’re under a lot of stress or pressure.  Even if Li Lin and I can’t get outside to the gym or go for a run, we still get a good workout at home using the Loopz fitness bands, which Li Lin has invented.  It’s a fantastic way to stay in shape no matter where you are or how busy you are!  To learn more about it, you can check out:

TAP: You were recently introduced to Kinect Motion. What are your thoughts, and do you feel that it will be an adequate substitute for outdoor exercise, or more typical forms of working out (such as going to the gym, running on a treadmill, etc.)?

Allan: I absolutely love Kinect Motion, and I got my kids and friends hooked on it too.  Unlike the more traditional video game systems that have the player sitting on their butt, Kinect really allows everyone to be more active and even get a great workout.  I definitely prefer my children playing Kinect over other video game systems just because it gets them moving and there is some exercise involved.  However, I would never substitute for outdoor exercise, especially if the weather is nice and sunny. On the other hand, if it is raining outside, Kinect is definitely a great option for the entire family to have fun and work out at the same time.

TAP: Before it was introduced, you mentioned that the younger generation has been increasingly spending too much time passively sitting in front of computer for entertainment. Why do you think this is a problem, and how do you manage to keep your children from falling to the same trends?

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Allan with his son. Image from

Allan Wu and Wong Lilin. Image from

Allan: Kids these days are spending too much time in front of their TV sets, computers, video game systems, and whatever else.  I think one of the biggest culprits is that Singapore’s weather is not the most conducive to going outdoors to exercise.  The heat and humidity can be a big turn-off.  On top of that, the younger generation lives in this digital age where complete “immersive” entertainment can be achieved without moving a single muscle.  I see this trend happening all around us, and it is most evident when you see most kids these days.  A lot of them are soft, dumpy, and pudgy due to their lack of physical exercise.  Therefore, I make an effort to take our kids outside to the playground, go swimming, or simply run around.  On top of that, they are not permitted to watch TV or play video games during school days so they need to conjure up other activities to keep themselves entertained.

TAP: So how do you keep your family healthy, and encourage a love for sports and exercise in your children?

Allan: When I am not busy working, I dedicate as much time as I can to participating with them when we are outdoors exercising.  Sports is not a huge culture in Singapore like it is in the United States or elsewhere.  Therefore, it’s up to the parents to set an example and share their love and passion for sport and exercise to their children.  Li Lin ensures that they eat healthy food and drink plenty of fluids too.

TAP: We also hear you are a fan of Vitamin Water…tell us more about that.

Allan: Wow! You’ve definitely done your homework on me…Impressive! As I have gotten older, I realized that my palette has changed where many of the fruit and energy drinks are too sweet. Vitamin Water is great for me because it doesn’t taste as sweet as many of the other energy drinks in the market today.  Even though I know there is still a decent amount of carbohydrates (aka~sugar) going into my system, at least I don’t have to taste too much of it each time I drink it.  I have even gotten the kids totally into drinking Vitamin Water so I’ve lately had to ration it out to them because they don’t know when to stop.

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TAP: Kids will always be kids, and having a sweet tooth is pretty much a foregone conclusion of being one. Are there any dietary restrictions that you advocate with regards to family meals?

You are exactly right…kids will always be kids so it’s all about everything in moderation, especially when it comes to sweets.  I don’t believe in denying my children anything they enjoy eating.  However, I do ensure that they don’t eat too much of the sweet stuff just like with the Vitamin Water.  When children don’t always get what they want, then they tend to enjoy even more the next time.
TAP: Many people are completely at a loss on how to keep their families healthy. Any final words of wisdom for fellow parents out there?

The cornerstone of any healthy diet is making sure your family is having a balanced diet from all the four major food groups.  I am blessed that my wife Li Lin is a total “foodie” so we definitely make the effort to come up with fresh and exciting meals for the entire family.  We try to avoid pre-packaged and processed foods, and we make sure that our kids drink plenty of water too.  Along the way, we encourage our children to have fun being active and breaking a sweat.  These are definitely the formative years for our kids so there’s no better time to get them on the right track…and maybe run a bit on the track!

Written by

Miss Vanda