Maximising Bonding Time While Bottle-Feeding Your Baby: Different Activities to Try

While bottle-feeding your baby, you have an excellent opportunity to bond with them. In addition to following the proper feeding techniques, try incorporating these activities that can enhance your bonding experience.

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As new parents, bottle-feeding is one of the most essential tasks to ensure your baby is getting the proper nutrition they need. Apart from serving its primary purpose, it also offers an excellent bonding opportunity between the parent and the child.

As a parent, it can be challenging to find ways to bond with your newborn, especially during those hectic feeding sessions. However, finding creative ways to incorporate bonding techniques while bottle-feeding can help strengthen that connection between you and your baby. 

In this article, we will discuss various bonding activities that parents can try while bottle-feeding their baby to create a meaningful and unforgettable experience.

Snuggle up with your baby while feeding them.

Bottle-feeding your baby can be a wonderful bonding experience between you and your little one. One of the best ways to make the most of this time is to snuggle up close while feeding them. Whether you’re doing a feed in the middle of the night or trying to sneak in some quiet cuddle time during the day, holding your baby close while they eat can be incredibly comforting for both of you.

Not only does it provide your baby with warmth and security, but it also allows you to establish a physical connection with them that helps promote bonding and attachment—something that can have long-lasting benefits for your relationship with your little one.

So, next time you’re feeding your baby with a bottle, try to take a few moments to snuggle up and enjoy this special time together.

Make eye contact and sing songs to your baby.

This simple yet effective bonding activity can help establish a deeper connection between you and your baby. Singing to your baby can calm them down and soothe them, making feeding time a relaxed and pleasant moment for both of you. Make sure to choose songs that you enjoy singing as well, as your baby can sense different emotions through your voice.

By singing and maintaining eye contact, you can create a warm and safe environment that your baby will love.

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Image Source: iStock

Talk to your baby about your day or share a story.

Bottle-feeding your baby is not only an essential act to nourish your little one, but it’s also a great opportunity to bond and connect with your baby. One way to enhance the bonding experience is to talk to your baby about your day or share a story.

You might think that your baby is too young to understand, but studies have shown that even newborns can benefit from hearing their parent’s voice. Try making eye contact with your baby and use a soft and gentle tone of voice. Sharing stories with your baby can also help encourage language development and cognitive skills.

You don’t need to worry if you run out of stories or have nothing to say, just talk and express your feelings. Your baby will love hearing your voice and feeling your warm energy.

Use feeding time to help your baby bond with your partner or family members.

This can be a wonderful opportunity to spend time bonding with your partner or other family members. Try to focus on creating a relaxing and positive atmosphere, whether you are at home or on the go. You can use this time to talk about your day, share stories or just have a good laugh together.

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Allowing your baby to have eye contact with you, your partner or a family member while feeding can promote a deeper level of communication, comfort and security for the baby.

It’s also a great way for both parents to feel more involved and connected with the baby’s feeding routine. Take turns feeding the baby and use this as an opportunity to nurture each other and express your love and support for each other’s parenting roles.

Try baby massage or gentle movements to soothe your baby.

One great way to bond while bottle-feeding your baby is through baby massage or gentle movements. These can both have a calming effect on your baby and help strengthen your bond.

Not sure where to start with baby massage? There are plenty of resources available online, including videos and guides. Start with gentle strokes on your baby’s arms and legs or a gentle tummy massage. You can also try incorporating some movements into your feeding routine, like holding your baby close and swaying gently back and forth.

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Remember to always follow your baby’s cues and adjust your techniques based on their comfort level.

Here are some more bonding activities to try when bottle-feeding your baby:

  • Reading a book – Reading a simple board book or a storybook to your baby while bottle feeding can create a special moment of connection and learning.

  • Playing with your baby’s feet – Gently tickling or rubbing your baby’s feet while bottle feeding can create a fun and interactive experience. Just make sure to burp the baby after every feed to prevent any spit ups.

  • Making funny faces – Making silly faces or funny noises while bottle feeding can make your baby giggle and create a playful atmosphere.

  • Providing a warm blanket – Wrapping your baby in a warm and cosy blanket while bottle feeding can create a sense of comfort and security.

  • Swaddling your baby – Swaddling your baby while bottle feeding can help them feel secure and prevent them from being distracted by their surroundings.

Bonding with your baby during bottle-feeding is an excellent way for parents and caregivers to connect with the child. With some creativity and a willingness to engage, there are numerous activities you can try to make the most of this intimate time together.

By incorporating these activities, parents can help their baby develop a strong sense of security, love, and attachment while forging a lifelong bond between baby and caregiver.

Image Source: iStock


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Written by

Cheryl Wong