14 Funny Baby Teething Jokes for Parents

Surviving teething one laugh at a time! Check out these 14 hilarious baby teething jokes to get you through the tough days

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Teething is an important milestone in a baby's development, but it can also be a frustrating and painful experience for both baby and parent. To lighten the mood and provide some much-needed humour, we've put together 14 funny baby teething jokes that parents can relate to.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-time parent, these baby teething jokes will have you smiling, even on the toughest of days.

Funny Baby Teething Jokes 

What did the teething baby say to the toy he was chewing on? "I have a gnawing feeling we'll be great friends."

Why did the teething baby put his toys in the refrigerator? He heard they would be cool when they get there!

Why did the baby's toothbrush run away? Because it was afraid of being chewed to bits!

Why did the baby gnaw on the furniture? Because his teeth were starting to cut through!

What do you call a baby's teething toy that's also a superhero? Captain Chew!

Why did the teething baby bring his toothbrush to bed? He wanted to have a dreamy smile!

What do you call a teething baby who's also a superhero? The Tooth Avenger!

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Why did the teething baby start carrying a map everywhere he went? He wanted to find the source of his toothache!

What do you call a baby who's always teething and loves to play video games? A gnaw-tendo!

Why did the teething baby start carrying a wrench around? He was trying to fix his bite!

Why did the teething baby start carrying a brush everywhere he went? He wanted to keep his chompers clean

"Teething babies: proof that nature has a cruel sense of humour, giving us the gift of parenthood and the curse of sore nipples."

"Teething babies: because drooling on yourself is only cute when you're under 2 years old."

"Teething babies: always ready to sink their teeth into anything and everything... except solid food."

Parenting can be a rollercoaster of emotions, and baby teething is just one of many challenges that parents face. But with a good sense of humour and the support of friends and family, you'll make it through.

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So, whether you're trying to take the edge off a sleepless night or just looking for a quick pick-me-up, these baby teething jokes are sure to bring a smile to your face. And remember, the teething phase is only temporary – before you know it, your little one will be smiling with a mouth full of pearly whites!

To find out more about baby teething, check out these further articles:

Does Teething Cause Fever in Babies? Here’s What A Paediatrician Says About It

Teething Symptoms And What To Do About Them

Teething Baby: Tips and Tricks To Soothe Them and When To Call A Doctor

Teeth Eruption Order And Timeline: Baby Teeth And Permanent Teeth

Here are some products we recommend for teething babies: 

5 Best Baby Teething Toys to Soothe Your Baby’s Gums

Image Source: iStock

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Written by

Cheryl Wong