Following the news about a newborn baby left alive in a rubbish bin in Bedok on Tuesday 7 January, two women have come forward to render assistance to the infant, a recent report by The New Paper (TNP) said.
It can be recalled that the newborn baby was found wrapped in a blood-soaked plastic bag, discarded in a rubbish bin in Block 534 Bedok North Street 3.
The infant could have suffocated to death, amongst other bags of rubbish, if not for two cleaners. They came to his rescue after hearing his desperate cries.
Naked and crying loudly, the infant’s body was covered with blood with his umbilical cord still attached.
Investigations are still ongoing with the police trying to find the baby’s parents who have gone missing.
The two women emailed TNP to express their interest in providing the baby with a home.
One of them is Ms Susan Tan who works in human resources. She told TNP that she is saddened that someone would commit such an act. But as “tragic” as it is, the 40-year-old said that he is “a very lucky baby to have survived.”
Tan also expressed her willingness to take care of the baby “for as long as it takes”, until his parents are found and wants him back.
Currently living in a four-room flat with her husband, their two daughters, aged 11 and nine, and a maid.
Tan says she is open to adopting the baby as her husband “would love to have a boy”, although she has yet to discuss it with him.
The other woman, Ms Wong, wrote to TNP that she “sympathises with the plight of the baby”. She also indicated her interest to care for the baby if no one is able to. She did not respond to TNP’s request for an interview.
In 2018, there were 433 adoption applications, according to statistics from the MSF’s website.
There are certain criteria to fulfil before you can successfully adopt a child, according to regulations under the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF).
Some criteria to follow when adopting a child:
- Both potential adopters must be Singapore residents
- Be at least 25 years old
- Be at least 21 years older than the child to be adopted
- Potential adopters should not be 50 years older than the child
- Single males are not allowed to adopt a girl, unless there are special circumstances
- Potential adopters have to attend a pre-adoption briefing (compulsory)—only then can they apply for a home study report
Source: TNP, MSF
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