Did you know that amongst the many things that can be indicative of toddler development, his vocabulary is one of them?
Toddler’s often range in chattiness. Some talk nonstop, others are a little more shy or quiet. In either case, kids develop at varying paces. Some hit the important milestone of speech before others, but research indicates that at any rate of development, there are at least 25 words your toddler should be able to say by age 2.

The Child Study Institute at Bryn Mawr College suggests that these 25 words represent the minimum number. Their research states that the average vocabulary for a toddler is around 75 to 225 words with phrases. However, the following words are a list of the most important words your toddler should be saying:
- All gone
- Baby
- Ball
- Banana
- Bath
- Bye bye
- Book
- Car
- Cat
- Cookie
- Daddy
- Dog
- Eye
- Hat
- Hello/hi
- Hot
- Juice
- Milk
- Mommy
- More
- No
- Nose
- Shoe
- Thank you
- Yes
Is your toddler capable of speaking all of these crucial words? If not, try teaching them any number of these important words that Dr. Leslie Rescorla, director of The Child Study Institute at Bryn Mawr College, suggests they need to know by age 2.
If you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them with us!