Zoom Games For Kids: A New Way To Help Your Child's Social Development

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There's more to Zoom than just video calls!

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In this new normal we are all living in, one of the things that have fallen by the wayside is social interaction. Sadly this impacts no one more than children, as they need this social interaction as part of their development when growing up. This is integral in their learning process about how to act and behave.

But given we are all now taking precautions and being safe with social distancing, what can we do? We get creative. Zoom games for kids a great new way for them to still interact, and build those social skills through games!

Zoom Comes To The Rescue!

We are sure that while the grownups may have Zoom fatigue already, the kids certainly do not, even if they are in school online. But how can we use platforms like Zoom creatively and to our children’s benefit?

We play GAMES! We can tweak the old social games to fit the new normal. How? Basically, play it online! Having Zoom games for kids can enable them to play games with their friends and family online.

There are ways to help keep up your child’s social development.| Image source: iStock

Zoom Games For Kids

Do you remember the games played when you were younger, like Rock, Paper, Scissors Kids can play those online now. It is the interaction you are after to help them develop social skills, and these games will help with that. 

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What are the examples of games that can be played online? Here are some easy ideas:

  • Rock, paper, scissors – This game is pretty simple. This can be two players, and they can “battle” it out to see who gets to score 10 points first.
  • Simon Says – Pick someone from the group that is “Simon”. He or she is basically the boss! They will give out instructions with the phrase “Simon says” before the instruction. Example: “Simon says, dance for 5 seconds!” Everyone will have to do it. But if there is no “Simon says” at the beginning of the instruction, then it means they should not do it. If a player does something, without the phrase “Simon Says”, then they lose and have to sit it out until a winner becomes the next “Simon”.

Get their body moving! | Image source: iStock

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  • Workout Game – This is pretty easy and great for those toddlers! You can put on some music and tell the kids to dance, or even do a few stretches to help them limber up. This is a great way to get those little limbs moving!
  • Charades – Before the game starts, all players should be picking the topic of what will be acted out. A player will get a point if they guess what is being acted out correctly. Example: the word that needs to be acted out is BIRD. The first player that gets the answer correctly gets a point. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game, wins!
  • Guess the Sound – This will require all the players to cover the camera on the gadget. One person will make a sound, for example, a COW. The players need to get what it is and whoever is first, gets a point!
  • Once Upon a Time – These are for those kids that love to tell stories. Each child or participant can only give one line. So, someone will start with the line, “Once Upon a Time”, and then the next kid will have to continue with only one line, and so forth. The stories get a little silly so get ready for giggles!
  • Silly Faces – As the name suggests, this is a silly game and will require players to make silly faces! But, the way this game is played is someone gives instructions, for example, “put your foot up to your ear”. Once everyone has done it onscreen, they have to hold for a screenshot!
  • Name a Place, Animal or Thing – Giving the brain a little bit of exercise, get one of the participants to choose a letter from the alphabet. Then ask the kids in turn to name Places, Animals, or things that start with that letter. The one that comes up with the most wins!
  • What’s Your Talent? – This is a “getting to know you” game. You can ask the kids who are in the game to think about their talents. Encourage them to act it out so that the other kids can see as well and ask questions.

A new way of playing. | Image source: iStock

Try it at Home!

Whether it’s the school holidays or just another weekend, you can try to set up a group call your kids, their cousins and friends to try one or two of these games out! Remember that playing is also a crucial part of development for kids, and Zoom games for kids may just help hone life skills. During this time, safe distancing and the pandemic should not stop your child’s development. We just need to find new ways of interacting by using digital platforms that make it easier. Have fun!

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This article was first published on the theAsianparent Philippines and was edited and republished with permission.

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