Zookal Takes Learning Online - Revolutionising How Our Children Learn

Face it, our children don’t learn the same way we did. With the rise of smartphones, laptops and the all-knowing Internet - we can’t possibly expect that. So what now?

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The world we live in today has been drastically altered by the Internet. Of all the things that have changed, the way we learn and absorb knowledge has probably taken the sharpest turn.

Gone are the days of having to go to libraries and pouring over paperback books when searching for a particular nugget of information. These days it’s web browsers and search engines. Anything under the sun – type it in and you have your answer.

Heck, even the way we, parents communicate with teachers and get updates on our children’s progress in schools, are via apps.

What does this say for our kids and their education if we can’t expect them to study the same way we did? 

What is now good enough for our children?

What is Zookal?

Zookal, is one of Singapore’s fastest growing supplementary education resource providers. It has introduced a brand-new free video platform for PSLE, O Levels, A Levels and University students.

It contains an impressive 4,500 short-videos and 2,500 documents created by experienced tutors and verified A+ students that cover over 950 modules including an array of topics, subjects and schools in Singapore.

Put very simply, what started out as a textbook rental site in Australia has now become the ideal learning platform (all over Asia and in Australia) for your knowledge hungry, tech-savvy child. All packed and dispensed easily in a manner that they are familiar with!

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Who curates the curriculum?

You’ll be pleased to know that Zookal’s curriculum team is made up of former MOE-trained teachers. This team of professionals have been exclusively selected to create high quality and relevant resources for Singaporean students i.e. your little ones.

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Image Source: Instagram @jonxtse – Jon Tse, Co-founder of Zookal

Knowing how competitive the Singaporean education system can be, it is extremely comforting to learn that the content being delivered to your child has been especially designed with this in mind.

Co-founder of Zookal, Jon Tse acknowledges this concern, “Our high quality resources save students and parents time and money in an increasingly competitive academic environment. The platform helps to enrich the learning experience of students through providing bite-sized, interesting and stimulating content that is specifically designed for PSLE, O Levels, A Levels and University students in Singapore.”

It certainly helps us breathe a little easier.

Who needs books anymore?

Not you – well, not your child! With a couple of easy clicks, your child will be able to navigate his or her way through the website and access over 2,500 free summary sheets about different school subjects and topics, the most popular being PSLE and O Levels English and Mathematics.

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How do my kids use Zookal?

Watch this video!

With 3 easy steps:

  1. Search
  2. Watch
  3. Score

Zookal’s videos are all between 5 to 10 minutes long and each one runs as a powerpoint presentation, with every deck individually designed by the content creator.

Plus, your children are at liberty to download the deck to revise at their own pace. Here’s an example:



Looks like there’s no excuse for them now, huh?


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Follow Zookal on Facebook and start learning here!

Source: Zookal, Straits Times, Tech in Asia




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Written by

Sonia Pasupathy