Zodiac Monthly Forecast: 5th May – 4th Jun 2024

Plan your month ahead with our detailed monthly forecast covering May 4th to June 4th 2024. Explore what the Chinese zodiac has in store for you based on your sign.

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Malicious individuals may incite turbulent situations this month. East Asia will experience upheaval again, with chaos lying beneath a calm facade. It is necessary to engage in more communication and understand various viewpoints in order to foster harmonious ties. Japan and Canada should be vigilant against natural disasters.


Things are going well. Your wealth comes from your career this year. Work hard and your income shall increase. Friends will recommend investment plans to you. Observe the market and do your due diligence before proceeding. Diversification is key. You should get sufficient rest amid your busy schedule.


Everything shall progress smoothly this month. You may get a sizable income with support from benefactors. Don’t be hasty when buying stocks or financial products, or schemers may cause you to incur huge losses. Organise more family trips or gatherings to create closer bonds. 


Avoid making high-risk investments this month, or you may incur major losses. Stay calm when managing interpersonal relationships. Disputes may arise easily if you are impulsive. Those working overseas may feel detached from their partner. More interactions can inject a sense of security and improve your relationship.


Changes will arise at work, requiring you to quickly be adept at new tasks that your colleague hands over. Stress is inevitable, but you can take this challenge as an opportunity to display your capability. You are prone to leg sprains this month, so be careful when exercising.


Work hard, and you will benefit in terms of career and wealth. Avoid emotional spending, as being extravagant will increase your financial burdens. Singles can cultivate new interests to make life more fulfilling. Avoid accepting suitors just for the sake of being in a relationship, or you may incur losses.

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Overwhelmed by a heavy workload, adjust your pace and come up with a new plan to improve your schedule. This month, you’re prone to quarrelling with your colleagues or partner due to your bad mood. Stay calm and think twice before speaking, or your relationships will be affected.


With flourishing career luck, your team has achieved impressive results this new quarter, and your leadership capability is recognised by all. Stay humble and keep a low profile. Epidemic prevention measures are necessary. Besides washing your hands frequently and wearing a mask, you should also avoid going to crowded places.


Amidst this smooth-sailing month, you may get a windfall gain. You’d also be guided by benefactors who are savvy investors, indicating a sizable income if you do your homework. At work, you must go by the book. Don’t abuse your position for personal gains in order to avoid trouble.

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Flourishing wealth luck makes this a suitable month for investing and starting a new business. Before you proceed, assess the market thoroughly. For better financial returns, avoid following trends blindly or taking unnecessary risks. Spend more time with your family. You can show your love through thoughtful gifting. 


Singles may meet a potential partner by joining more social activities. Be proactive in engaging the other party to leave a better impression. Being busy can lead one to be irritable. Mind your tone when handing over work to your colleagues. Don’t argue endlessly with others over trivial matters.


Colleagues should respect each other’s privacy. Talking behind others’ backs will lead others to resent you and create unnecessary disputes. Do more and talk less, as your priority lies in doing your job well. Pressure seems to be mounting this month. Avoid venting your negative emotions on your family.

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Read all terms carefully when signing important documents. Seek immediate medical aid if you experience symptoms like chest tightness and heart palpitations. Otherwise, minor ailments may turn serious. While it is important to earn money, you must not sacrifice your sleep and health for your career. Manage your time properly.

This article was first published on Way Feng Shui and republished on theAsianparent with permission.