Xiaxue talks about the challenges of breastfeeding and baby care

Check out our interview with Xiaxue, as she talks about the ups and downs of breastfeeding and baby care.

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Like most new mums, Celebrity Blogger Xiaxue struggled with the challenges of breastfeeding and caring for Baby Dash during the first few months at home. Find out what she had to say about these issues in our exclusive interview with her last November.

This video is the third of our series of 6 that we will be releasing each week. So, be sure to log on to theAsianparent or subscribe to our YouTube channel to be alerted when the next video is up.

We would like to thank Rice Communications and Tan Chong International for making the arrangements for this interview. A big ‘Thank You’ also to Xiaxue for taking time out of her busy schedule to catch up with us. 

Check out our series of video interviews with Xiaxue:

Beauty tips for mums

“How motherhood changed my life!”

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