From S to XL: Xiang Yun Spent Months Adjusting Emotions After Feeling Depressed About Weight Gain

"I spent a few months adjusting my emotions. [The weight gain] was just a change in my appearance, I hope that audiences can also accept me as I age."

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Accepting the physical effects of ageing can be difficult, even more so if you’re in the public eye. Just ask 60-year-old local actress Xiang Yun.

After being in showbiz for over 30 years, she told Lianhe Zaobao that she not only has to deal with the physiological effects of ageing, but also the public’s perception of her.

One of the issues Xiang Yun had to cope with was the inevitable weight gain, where she admitted that she went from wearing a size S to XL in a span of two years.

“I really felt quite depressed then, it was really painful holding that qipao!” she remarked, looking back on how she felt then.

“I spent a few months adjusting my emotions. [The weight gain] was just a change in my appearance, I hope that audiences can also accept me as I age.” 

Her shift in perspective has also enabled her to take criticism in her stride. “Although I occasionally see some harsh comments on social media, I think to myself, ‘They’ll grow old too!’, and I feel better.” 

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She added: “It’s normal for people to change when we grow old. But it’s important to be our best selves at every stage of our lives.” 

From the looks of it, Xiang Yun is also determined not to change anything about herself in order to appear more youthful, apart from dyeing her hair (which she still thinks is a chore). 

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“White hair grows really fast, even if you dye it black. The roots grow out white, and on-camera it looks like I’ve lost a part of my hair. So because of my work, I dye my hair very often, but I’m afraid it will ruin my hair quality. It’s quite annoying.” 

The Best Evergreen Artiste also shared that she’s been approached by several plastic surgeons, but has rejected their offers. 

“I hope audiences can accept my natural self; I’m also curious about how I would look [ageing naturally].” 

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This article was first published on AsiaOne and republished on theAsianparent with permission.


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