Wuhan Virus: Couple Stays Home, Attends Own Wedding via Live-Stream

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"To let our guests have peace of mind, we made this decision," the groom explained.

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One Singapore couple proved that no global health emergency was going to keep them from throwing one heck of a wedding bash — not even when they had to stay home.

The couple voluntarily isolated themselves after a recent China trip and attended their own banquet on Feb 2 via a live-stream, reported Shin Min Daily News.

Despite mounting global concern over the recent coronavirus outbreak and the growing number of cases in China, they had decided to spend Chinese New Year in Hunan with the bride’s family, returning to Singapore on Jan 30.

And that’s when things began to fall apart.

Couple watch their own wedding on live stream

For one, the bride’s parents could not grace the occasion as they were denied entry into Singapore, the groom told the Chinese daily.

Travel restrictions imposed by the government from Feb 1 mean that any visitor who has been in mainland China in the past 14 days will be barred from entry or transit through Singapore. Holders of Chinese passports also face visa restrictions.

Guests also expressed their concerns once they heard that the couple had recently returned from China.

“We know many of our guests were worried. We had discussed with the hotel on postponing the banquet but could not reach an agreement. To let our guests have peace of mind, we made this decision,” the groom explained.

Making the most of the hand that they were dealt, the pair decided to go ahead with the banquet at M Hotel sans the main attraction — themselves.

Serving out a self-imposed 14-day Leave Of Absence (LOA), the couple did away with the typical wedding march-in, opting to greet guests via a live-stream from their home, all dressed up in their wedding finery. 

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“Thank you all for attending our wedding. We’re very sorry for not being at the venue to enjoy a wonderful time with everyone,” the bride said, addressing the crowd. “But we’re still happy over here. We’re grateful to everyone for coming.”

Image source: AsiaOne

The groom’s parents, who live together with the couple, were also on LOA, leaving only his sister to attend to the wedding guests on-site.

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Fortunately, their absence didn’t put too much of a damper on the festivities.

“We interacted with our guests via live-stream and popped some champagne to celebrate. The emcee also invited our relatives on stage to yum seng [give a toast]. It was a happy occasion,” the groom said.

On a less positive note, the couple had booked 19 tables for the occasion but only managed to fill 11 due to confirmed guests skipping the event, he lamented, adding that some guests ate two portions of food while others brought the extra food home in order to reduce wastage.

The status of the couple’s honeymoon next month is also in limbo. They have not made any concrete plans, although it doesn’t seem too likely that they will leave the country, he said.

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Wuhan virus in Singapore: how to stay safe

Image source: iStock

As of Tuesday, 4 February, the total number of confirmed cases of the Wuhan virus in Singapore tallied up to 24.

18 of the infected individuals are from mainland China, while the other 6 have contracted the illness from an infected party.

As the Ministry of Health confirmed steps to minimise the spread of this epidemic (that the World Health Organization haven’t confirmed if it’s considered a global threat yet), Health Minister Gan Kim Yong told Parliament on Monday (3 Feb) that Singapore must prepare for a long fight against the virus.

Image source: iStock

Keep yourself and your family safe by following these hygiene practices:

  • Clean your hands with soap and water, or alcohol-based hand rub
  • Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing with a tissue or a flexed elbow
  • Avoid close contact with anyone with flu-like symptoms
  • Thoroughly cook meat and eggs
  • Avoid unprotected contact with live wild and farm animals 

This unfortunate couple watch their own wedding on live stream due to concerns over the Wuhan coronavirus. Would you have done the same in these circumstances?

This post was first published on AsiaOne and was republished on theAsianparent with permission. 

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