Putting the pedal to the metal took on a different meaning when a spinning class left one hospitalised and risking kidney failure.
“I almost lost my life after riding a bicycle,” Facebook user Atrina Lau said as she took to the platform to share her account and warn others about the dangers of rhabdomyolysis, or muscle breakdown from overexertion which can be life-threatening.
The post, written in Mandarin, has gone viral with over 1,000 shares since March 15.
Spinning Class Turns Disastrous
Spinning – indoor cycling classes on a stationary bicycle – is all the rage in recent years with its high-tempo music, clubbing-like atmosphere with enthusiastic participants. But one can overexert and push themselves too hard, she said.
After her class on March 7, Lau felt “her legs turning to jelly” and could not walk.
The following days were excruciating as she could not sit or squat, and all the time she thought it was just muscle soreness after not exercising for a long time.
Spinning Class Leads To Risk Of Kidney Failure
When her urine turned a dark colour, she researched ‘muscle soreness after spin class’ and realised that her condition could be serious. At 11pm on March 11, Lau rushed to a clinic and was referred to Singapore General Hospital’s emergency department.
A few hours later, her blood and urine tests indicated she suffered from rhabdomyolysis and needed to be hospitalised — the muscle breakdown was severe and she was at risk of kidney failure according to the doctor, she said.
‘It can happen to anyone’
It ended up being a four-day stay in the hospital while on the IV drip, she recounted, drinking plenty of water to rehydrate and flush out the toxins in her body as she continues with her recovery.
She added that rhabdomyolysis “can happen to anyone” who engages in strenuous exercise, especially beginners, and not just in spinning class.
“Don’t forget to replenish your fluids timely and seek medical help if you have symptoms,” Lau said.
An article from Mount Elizabeth Hospital’s Health Plus advised that one should know their limits with exercise and stop once you feel that you are overexerting.
It added that with any exercise regimen, start slow, stop when the body thinks it is too much and keep hydrated.
This article was first published on AsiaOne and republished on theAsianparent with permission.
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