Woman gives miraculous birth hours after learning she was pregnant

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After being told she was infertile for years, Brooke Williams gave a highly unexpected birth after being rushed to the hospital for other ailments. Full story here.

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When Brooke Williams and her husband Calvin rushed to the hospital just a few weeks ago, they were under the impression they were there for one specific reason: because 26-year-old Brooke had suffered several seizures. However, after undergoing a blood test, the couple soon found out that Brooke–who’d been told on countless occasions that she was infertile due to childhood treatments for brain cancer–was 35 weeks pregnant!

Upon receiving the shocking news that he would soon be a father, Calvin (27) of Provo, Utah told WTHR 13 ,”I just honestly stared at her and didn’t know.”

As soon as doctors were able to address and stabilize Brooke’s condition, they promptly performed a C-section delivery. It was then that the astounded couple welcomed in their baby girl.

“It’s crazy, it’s a miracle,” Calvin added in his interview. “Their words that without any prenatal care being a month early, she’s 5 pounds 8 ounces, 18 inches long and she’s great.” 

(Source: GoFundMe)

Of course, you may be wondering how a mother–and to a lesser extent, her husband–could go a whopping 35 weeks without discovering that she was pregnant…

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“She never had any sickness. She never felt her stomach move. Me and my wife are the ones that make fun of those people,” claimed new father Calvin.

In addition to the lack of clear-cut indications, there’s also the fact that Brooke was under the impression that she was infertile. Not to mention that Brooke has always been subject to irregular periods, so she really had no clear signs of pregnancy from the get-go.

While Brooke and Calvin were obviously not expecting a child, they had considered adoption as a viable option for expanding their family for quite some time; they were simply waiting for the right time.

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Well, as the old saying goes: “There’s no time like the present!”

After the miraculous discovery and equally miraculous subsequent birth, both Brooke and her daughter have been doing quite well! They are both happy and healthy and are ready to start their new lives!

Since their indoctrination into the world of parenting was unexpected, to say the least, family and friends have set up a GoFundMe page to help the couple meet the costs of their surprise baby.

To see the full news report, as reported by WTHR 13 News, click next to see the full video!

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