In an adorable collaboration, PUMA and the Sesame Workshop, the organization behind Sesame Street, bring to you a kid’s collection that features footwear and apparel inspired by the show’s well-loved iconic characters. This collection includes iconic footwear styles from the PUMA archive in mini versions along with its most beloved characters – Ernie and Bert, Big Bird, Elmo and Cookie Monster, among others.
The PUMA Suede comes in four renditions that feature furry red Elmo, fuzzy blue Cookie Monster, scruffy green Oscar the Grouch and best friends Ernie and Bert. The Basket Classic gets monsterised with the Basket Sesame Street Furry Kids while PUMA Running classic, the ST Runner come alive with googly eyes and friendly smirks.
These adorable shoes are also available at these stockists:
- Kidstyle United Square: 01-89
- Kidstyle Paragon: 05-34
- Kidstyle City Square: B2-21
- BHG Bugis
- Takashimaya Departmental Store level 4
- PUMA retail outlets
- Bata Stores
So what’s in store for you?
Due to overwhelming response, PUMA x Sesame Street has kindly offered 2 pairs of UK size 5 and 1 pair of UK size 7 shoes for this giveaway (size cannot be changed).
3 lucky winners stand a chance to win 1 pair of shoes each! Simply enter your details below and enter your preferred size and winners will be contacted soon. Good luck!