Why Do Mums Feel Guilty When Not Cooking for Their Families?

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Find out why the best multi-taskers in the world, the mums, feel guilty when not cooking for their families.

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All mothers are superheroes. They are the family’s chefs, doctors, school bus drivers, therapists, teachers and more. With all the tasks that mums do in and out of the house, they should feel relieved when they don’t have to cook a meal for their children right? Unfortunately, they don’t see this as a chance to rest. In fact, most mums feel guilty when not cooking for their families.

Easy meals

Why Do Mums Feel Guilty When Not Cooking for Their Families?

Image source: iStock

It can’t be helped but there are mommies who constantly buy fast food and pre-cooked meals for their families. This may be because they are too tired or too busy to cook. With this meals-on-the-go, the entire family is fed and the mom is given the chance to recharge and be able to play or study with the children. But with the burgeoning rate of obesity in both children and adults, mommies are discouraged from serving meals that are not made at home. This is because fast food and restaurant-bought meals are often laden with fat and calories. Having known this, most mums feel guilty when not cooking for their families.

Home-cooked meals

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To ensure that the entire family is eating the right kind of food, mommies often slave over a hot stove every day. They create delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner meals and snacks that are nutritious and healthy. Home-cooked meals are considered as the best type of food because mommies always use the freshest and healthiest ingredients that they can afford like organic meat, vegetables and fruits. Also, they can easily cut down on the fat, sodium and oil content of each meal. With these, mothers can assure that their family would only consume the best. These are often the reasons why most mums feel guilty when not cooking for their families and have to resort to buying food from other sources.

Why mums feel guilty

Image source: iStock

Mums feel guilty when not cooking for their families because, hands down, home-cooked meals are healthier and cheaper. If mums would compute the calories on each food bought from stores, the combined high calories will almost be equal to the food expense for a week or two.

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Mums feel guilty when not cooking for their families because they’ll miss out on the bonding time that could have been spent with their children while prepping the food ingredients and cooking the actual meal.

For busy mothers

While it is somewhat normal for mums to feel guilty when not cooking for their families, those who buy fast food for their children shouldn’t be condemned about their choices. However, it is best to know that there are other healthier and time-saving options available.

1) When buying food at a restaurant, mommies should stick to establishments that offer organic food. If there isn’t one in the area, stick to buying only steamed or grilled meals. Avoid fried food at all costs. Mums feel guilty when not cooking food for their families especially when they serve high-calorie fast food instead.
2) Create meals in advance. Busy mommies don’t have to create meals 3-4 times a day. They can make a large batch of food the night before and just store it in the freezer. The next day, the food can just be reheated in the microwave.

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Do you understand now why mums feel guilty when not cooking for their families? How do you manage to cook meals everyday? We’d love to hear from you. Watch this video to know more about the pleasures of making and eating home-cooked meals:


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Written by

Karen Mira