10 White Lies That Singaporean Women Tell Their Husbands

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Sometimes, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do - tell a little white lie to convince your hubby that you only need 5 minutes in Sephora!

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Ladies, if you have never, and I mean never, told a white lie to your husband, then you’re a rare gem. Though we know that honesty is important in our marriage, there are just certain things that are better left covered up.

Are you are guilty of telling anyone of these little white lies to your hubby!

1. “I’m nagging because I love you.”

Truth is, I’m nagging because you didn’t separate your coloured clothes from your black clothes, and because you left your unwashed mug in the sink again! I’ve told you that like 10 times!

2. “I go in the shop see see only.”

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This is an obvious lie, ladies. Our hubbies know that when we say that we’re going into a shop to take a look, we really mean going in to buy at least 3 bags worth of stuff.

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3. “I’ve got a headache.”

I’ve got too much on my mind and I don’t feel like doing it tonight but I don’t want to hurt your feelings.

4. “Give me 5 minutes.”

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5 minutes in women language usually mean 30 minutes.

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5. “I only spent $100 this week!”

I spent $70 on my manicure, $50 on that new dress, $20 on that new lipstick I’ve been eyeing and $19.95 on this pair of bedroom slippers that I didn’t need but it was on sale.

6. “Michelle’s husband took her on a getaway trip again!”

Michelle’s husband had actually taken her to Penang, but your hubby doesn’t need to know that now, does he? Especially if this is a hint for him to do the same or to outdo Michelle’s husband.

7. “Tell me, I promise I won’t get angry.”

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When women say this, they usually will get angry. They’re just saying it for the sake of saying it so that you’d tell them.

8. “I exercised today!”

I did my squats because I had to pick up all my bits and pieces of the potato chips that I was eating. Also, I did one sit up this morning when I woke up from the bed.

9. “Don’t worry, dear. I still love you the most!”

I love our baby the most.

10. “Eh your new colleague very pretty hor? You can tell me, I won’t get jealous.”

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I won’t get jealous but I will not talk to you for the next 10 minutes.

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Written by

Claudia Chia