When your man looks at other women...

A blogger's insight on how to deal with your distracted man, who has eyes that constantly wander off towards other women in your presence.

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What happens when your men looks at other women in your presence?

Your man, the voyeur

Have you ever been on a date with a guy who constantly glances at every woman who passes by? Or is your own husband always checking out other women in your presence?

It is annoying when he cannot keep his eyes on you. And it certainly makes you feel awfully disrespected and insecure when he pays more attention to other women than you.

A woman’s query

Whether he does it with discretion or eyeballs women without a care in the world, women are outraged by it.

A woman by the name of Cassidy posted a query for Andrew, the blogger behind popular relationship blog, The Rules Revisited, asking how she should deal with her man whenever he glances around at other women.

Here is what she asked, “How do I respond when the guy I am with is flirting and/or staring at other women when we are in situations, such as dinner with just the two of us in a restaurant? I see it as a red flag and dismiss the potential for a relationship with men who do this at any relationship stage, and try to accept that they are just not interested enough in me by displaying such disrespect.”

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Find out what Andrew, the blogger, has to say about looking at other women.

Andrew’s advice

In response to Cassidy’s complaint, Andrew replies that men will always be attracted to other women and it is impossible to stop them from looking. But women have to realise that looking is not equivalent to having sexual interests. Nor does it mean he is interested in having a relationship with the women he looks at.

However, if he has chosen to be with you, you have “the rights to a man’s attention”. Your man should not be looking at other women. You should be respected and demand that he stops. If he continues after telling him off, just go ahead and break up with him.

Andrew also adds, “If he isn’t attracted to you enough to keep his eyes in one place, he should break up with you. He is a coward if he does not.”

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According to him, most men do consider their girlfriends or wives’ feelings. However, if an extremely attractive woman walks pass, they will most probably steal a look, hoping that you don’t notice. Andrew also reasons that resisting the temptation of visual stimuli is as demanding as when a woman breaks her diet regime once in awhile, saying “It is hard to resist.”

Emma Stone in Crazy Stupid Love, “seriously, it’s like you’re photoshopped!”

Your woman, the voyeur

However, what Andrew and most guys fail to realise and assume is that girls are not as attracted to physical attributes as guys are. It is also just as difficult for a woman to resist visual stimuli, especially when a guy walks pass looking like Ryan Gosling or Sonny Bill Williams.

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Women simply cannot resist a guy’s smothering good looks and chiseled physique. Men are not the only ones who can’t keep their eyes straight. Women are just less obvious.

Relationship advice

If your man sincerely thinks it is harmless to look at women in your presence, then it would likewise be okay for you to do unto him what he does to you.

Talk to each other about what is acceptable and what is not. Set boundaries that both of you would be happy with. Every relationship has its own dynamics, but these dynamics ought to be fair for both parties.

Check out this funny video on the topic:


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Written by

Miss Vanda