When do we start reading to our kids?

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When should we introduce our kids to reading and which books are the best? Check out the advice and recommendations from parents here.

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Find out what age should you start reading to your toddler

Click on the image for 10 reading tips for toddlers

Reading to our kids is a “must do” but do we know when we should start?

Mum needs help: Any idea when should we start reading storybooks for our baby? And any recommendation on title of books suitable for 2 years old child?

Alesia Yong:
I started reading to my girl when she was about 6 months old but she didn’t show much interest until recently. She’s 3 now and we are currently reading Usborne Children books . They have suitable titles for all ages

Jeannie Cheong:
My son is coming 15mths. He will crumble the books or picture cards. He is only interested in mickey mouse club hse

Chealsea HO:
As young as when baby is in your womb. Baby starts receiving even before they are born and reading constantly every night helps baby not only to receive it also helps to create a routine for them in the good habit of bedtime story and to even further develop their good habits of reading in future and their cognitive development.

Nazzia Momina:
I started reading from day one. Now she goes for mine.. Too late

Jay Koh:
It’s good to start young as the brain works on “use it or lose it” visit total develpment program at www.learningtech.com.sg for free preview

Caron Goode:
I started reading from Day one also, especially books with colorful pictures. Goodnight Moon is a great favorite.

Yvonne Ho:
Start as early as possible..no matter if they r listening juz read to them..

Mary.m Shysta:
Yup as early as in the womb. But when i was preggy, I didn’t cos i was either too tired or too tired! Thus my 2 yr old didn’t show any interest in books, that is till she started Montessori school 2 mths ago. Now she demands to be read before bed. I just go to the library and get books suitable for preschoolers. There’s no particular author that i’ll look out for. I just make sure the bk has colourful pages with contents that are appropriate for her age.

Erma Ishak:
Try cloth book from Simple Dimple. My baby loves the crackling material and the colorful pages especially. I started reading to her from 3 months.

Lynette Low:
wondering if ur child actually sit still and listen to ur reading and look @ the book? my 9 mth old loves to snatch & flip the book and sometimes “mouth” them…nvr quite get thru a book “peacefully”…

Steph Loke:
I read to my boy as early as 2 mths old. he was very thrilled, will kick & shake his limbs when I showed him d pictures. I get weird stares fr ppl when I read to him outside at dat time. but I dun bother. keep d story simple & short & b dramatic if possible. they luv it…
its a gd habit to let them pick up reading when lil

Crazymommy Sg:
We start early too, as early as 1 month old i think. As for book recommendations, since the child is already 2 years old, you should look at what his/her current interests are and engage him/her with stories she would like. (E.g. if the child is into trains, read train stories.) I have shared some book titles my children enjoyed here bit.ly/bm5PNW . Hope this helps.

Lishan Chong:
as early as possible…NLB has a good range of Toddler books too!…THey always add in new books frequently…So it’s always very surprising and happy to find new and interesting books for my gal. Get a membership for your newborn too!….
My gal loves the trips to the library. You can borrow the same books again after a few rounds, cos kids will take a new perspective as they re-read a familiar book again….I think reading with your kids and make them love reading is the best gift ever!

Joanne Liow 秋萍:
Lishan, yes i love it too whenever i find new books in NLB! 🙂 For the very young, colourful boardbooks with flip-flaps (i call them peek-a-poo books) are very fun, i esp like the usborne books, everytime i see one in the library i will feel like i’ve struck lottery, haha! But i think for 2yr olds, probably can handle books with simple words and simple storyline. One suggestion: u can let your child sit on your lap and u cuddle your child while u read 🙂 My boy enjoys that.

Have you started reading to your kid? Remember it is never too early to start!

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Written by

Felicia Chin