9 Ways To Grow A Happy Child

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Deciding on what’s best for your child and letting her be happy are not always interlinked. Follow these nine tips to bring happiness to your child's life.

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As a parent, you want your child to become confident, competitive, ambitious, and so much more. However, do you think it is possible to ensure she will grow up happy too? How do you grow a happy child?

You can be caught between what is good for your child and what will make her happy. Deciding on what’s best for her and letting her be happy are not always interlinked. Follow these nine tips to bring happiness in your child’s life:

1. Lead by example

9 Ways To Grow A Happy Child

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As a parent, lead your kids by example. If you want to raise a happy child, as a first step, you have to be happy. Find happiness in small things. Share these moments with your child and involve her in the process. When you are happy, you will exude positive vibes which will make your child feel happy too.

2. To have a happy child, encourage her to express emotions

The best way for you to help your child handle her emotions and learn from her feelings is to let her express herself emotionally. Encourage her to express herself. Let her be comfortable with her emotions so that she does not feel stressed or anxious.

3. Help her nurture relationships

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As your child grows up, she will meet different people. Once she learns to foster strong relationships with others, it will help her grasp her emotions and nurture long-lasting friendships. She will learn to empathize with others and understand what they feel. As a result, she will get more friends which will, in turn, make her happy.

4. More ‘yes’ and less ‘no’

Of course, it is not always possible to agree to everything your child wants. Instead of saying ‘no’ you can word your response in a way that is not outright negative. For instance, if your daughter wants to watch television, instead of saying ‘no’, say something such as “Finish a few more pages of assignment and then watch television.”

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5. Be more communicative

Make an effort to talk openly with your child so that she can discuss all her fears and concerns with you. Try not to be judgmental and instead let her vent her heart out to you. When you know what is bothering your child, you will be in a better position to help her deal with it in an effective way. As a result, you will help her remove her fears and concerns and let her be happy.

6. Admonish the act, not the child

As children, young kids will learn through their mistakes. Make sure you keep a clear difference between the act and the person who did it. Instead of admonishing your child, tell her that you do not like what she did. For instance, you know she did not study well and comes home with poor grades. Instead of saying something such as “You did really bad and I am disappointed in you,” say something that lays focus on the act, such as “I am not happy with the grades because I know you can do better.”

7. Appreciate the effort, not perfection

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You want your child to excel in what she does, but instead of expecting her to be perfect at everything, encourage her to give her best shot to it. When you encourage and appreciate your child’s effort, she will know you care and it will be a boost to her confidence. Your approval will also encourage her to try harder and do better.

8. Teach her self-discipline

Self-discipline will help your child form a routine and effectively manage all her responsibilities. Not only will she be able to form better judgments, she will also learn to avoid temptation and avoid negative emotions.

9. Make her feel her importance

When your child feels loved and important, she will know how much you value her in the family. Do not just nod along to what she says, but hear her properly. Involve her in certain matters of the family and let her take some decisions that are age-appropriate.

Raising a happy child depends on your daily lifestyle pattern. When you make the choices that will make your child a happy individual, it will also bring happiness to you and to your family.

Moms, what happiness mantras do you practice at home with your children?

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