5 Ways to relax an overworked mind

Mums need to take care of themselves too in order to do everything that all their roles demand from them. Here are 5 ways to relax your overworked mind.

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 We’re constantly in a rush, making ourselves sick with stress and trying to work overtime just to make sure those deadlines are met. But there is a limit of how much we can manage on a regular basis, hence it would be best to refresh your work environment by restructuring your workspace, rejuvenate your regime and mindset. Remember, a happy mum means happy children! Here are 5 tips to relaxing the mind — especially an overworked one.

1. Make your work desk happy

It is always best to start your day with a clear and calm mind. Your work desk is the place where you spend most of our time once we enter the office. Therefore, it’s prudent to make it a place that we will feel calm and happy.

Placing your favourite figurine collection or a family photograph can be a good way to make your work desk a happy place. It would be best to place an item that evokes a pleasant, comforting feeling.

Plants are commonly known as to cultivate a calming effect. If you could have a break in between, try sparing some free time taking care of your office plants for it offers a therapeutic wind-down after a long day from work.

Try replacing your desk lamp with a UV lamp. The UV lamp is proven to stimulate the release of happy hormones! If you happen to be those who spend more working hours indoors, a UV lamp on your desk helps to supply your daily Vitamin D needs. Moreover, the simulated sunlight will also keep your bonsai in the pink.

Last but not the least, try to keep your work environment – whether in the office or at home – clean as it helps your mind to loosen up and unwind. In order to make sure you are well prepared to clear any mess anytime, a handy desk vacuum would be handy.

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2. Walk barefoot

By remaining attached to your not-so-comfortable office chair all the time, you may end up feeling uncomfortable and exhausted. The best way is to move around on your feet, your body will be energized with positive feelings that you won’t get if you’re on the office furniture for long hours.

If time permits, spend some time at a nearby grass patch or a quick trip to the beach. Walk around barefooted to release negative energy back into the mother nature. While you’re enjoying the relaxing sensations of natural textures going against the soles of your feet, this also allows you to absorb the positive oomph from mother nature.

Another advantage of walking barefoot is that you are able to enjoy a good night’s sleep. Often, having too many responsibilities can lead to stress, which will then affect your sleep and in the long run affecting your attentiveness at work. Do give this inexpensive natural treatment and you will be amazed how effective it is to get rid of your cluttered mind.

3. Try meditating

In order to calm your stressed out nerves, try a quick meditation. Alike to the process of computer defragmentation, during the process of meditation, your mind enters the a ‘low power’ mode, discarding unnecessary information and reorganising valuable data. You will feel less flustered and in better control of your feelings and thoughts.

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Meditation encompasses various of mental exercise that can calm and refocus your mind. For beginners, try slotting in Walking Meditation into your schedule.

Walking Meditation: Try making an effort to consciously clear your head of stressful thoughts, and focus on each breath that goes in and out of your body while you’re walking. A venture investor at Toba Capital, Patrick Mathieson, gets on regular strolls around his neighbourhood area as a form of meditation to relax his mind. In between, if something around his environment catches his attention, he will go along with it. It is highly recommended to leave all electronic devices for a more effective session.

Mindful Meditation: For this, it can be done anytime, in as much as you concentrate on one task at a time. For instance, keep your eyes close and listen to the surrounding noise when you’re travelling on a bus or train. In any case, if your mind starts to wander away, simply acknowledge it and let it go. Alternatively, while brushing your teeth and showering, you can try adopting this kind of meditation.

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Two more important tips on the next page!

4. Be socially active

By sharing a good heart-to-heart conversation with a close friend over dinner, most of us will feel ‘lighter’. This could be the key in helping you to cope with the pressure of never-ending workload. Be the one to take the initiative in scheduling regular get-together with your friends. You may also find comfort and solace when you share and hear about the struggles your friends are facing.

You might come upon friends who could even share their advices on how to handle massive workload – especially if they are facing with the same matters. They would be able to offer you support and help.

You may consider getting a pet if you have difficulties getting your busy friends out. Having a pet will create a bond of unconditional love into your life. Not only that, it’s also a way to discipline yourself to be a responsible pet owner!

5. Be giving

Have you ever realised that there’s a sense of satisfaction and you feel good whenever you present a gift to someone without expecting anything in return?

Professor Michael Norton from Harvard Business School led a study in 2008 and found out that giving money and gifts help to lift up participants’ happiness more than spending it on themselves. It was known as the Science of Generosity and it is healthy for your mind and body.

Try giving little gifts to your loved ones and grow closer together! Building stronger bonds among each other with this simple gesture. Make extra effort by making dinner or even offerto pick the kids up from school. Seeing a smile on their face will form a sense of blissfulness for both parties.

Try giving out a hand to those unfortunate and in need in terms of donationg if you’re earning more than what you need. It does not have to be a big amount, a small financial contribution makes a big difference in others’ lives.

It will leave you feeling less disturbed by the worries from work by knowing that you can actually make a difference in the lives of others and have full control of your own life. Bare in mind to take time out in between of your hectic schedule to make sure that you stay in fine fettle.

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Written by

Sarah Grace Lee