WATCH: Funny version of Fifth Harmony’s ‘Work From Home’ for stay-at-home mums

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“This baby needs a burp burp burp burp burp burp burp.”

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These days, almost any chart-topping hit can be turned into a funny and relatable parenting anthem. The latest of which is Fifth Harmony’s ‘Work from Home’ which was reworked for stay-at-home mums.

Much like the original video, this new version is also set on a construction site. This time, however, instead of promising their significant others a romantic time at home, the mums sing about what makes dads truly sexy—coming home from work in the middle of the day to help care for the kids.

Fifth Harmony – Work From Home

The women behind the latest parenting parody making waves on the internet is the YouTube sketch comedy group JustBoobs.

“I know you’re always at the office, but I can’t stand nap time alone. I promise you some fun adult time, I just need to find a comb,” they sing in the video as they text sexy selfies to their partners, hoping to lure them home.

When their partners do arrive, the mums are finally free to relax, take a luxurious bath, with a glass of wine in hand, before they head to yoga class—which aren’t usually possible for stay-at-home mums to babies and toddlers.

“Women have always been multi-taskers…They continue to live full lives and identities in addition to being awesome mums,” Stephanie Carrie, a mum and comedian featured in the video, told TODAY Parents. “We teamed up with Awestruck to write this parody as a celebration of the incredible, multi-faceted identity of the modern mother.”

One of the reasons they created the parody is to celebrate hardworking mums and how sexy they truly are. “We also wanted to point out that mums are super sexy — we wanted to throw that in, too,” she continued.

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The ladies of Fifth Harmony may have abs but these funny mums sing proudly of their baby bellies. “Doesn’t matter ’cause we love our bodies…Their dudes are sexy in their tiny white tees, ours are hot when they co-parent 50/50.”

Check out more funny parenting anthems on the next page

Meghan Trainor’s ‘No’ version for parents of stubborn kids

Many mums can relate to having kids whose favorite word is ‘No.’ But mum and blogger Tara Brough decided to come up with a solution. Turning Meghan Trainor’s pop hit ‘No’ into a parenting anthem, with the help of her 4-year-old son Porter, she’s given parents of stubborn kids some much needed guidance.

“All my mummies listen up. If that kid won’t give it up, purse your lips,” she instructs. “Hands on your hips, and all you gotta say is … ‘My answer is ‘no!’”

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Taylor Swift’s ‘Wildest Dreams’ parody for exhausted mums

According to mum Danielle Murray, her “mummy dreams” are basically getting through the day’s chores and errands.

With the help of her husband Jon, she’s created a music video about the simple but nearly impossible things mums fantasise about, such as: getting a full night’s sleep, peeing alone, and taking a shower every day. Entitled “A Mum Can Dream,” this video is a clever take on Taylor Swift’s “Wildest Dreams.”

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As they wrote in the YouTube caption, “We know the long days are well worth it, and one day — when the kids have moved out — we can do all of those things we miss. So don’t stop dreaming, mamas!”

Rihanna’s ‘Work’ redone as ‘Housework’

Anyone who’s ever listened to Rihanna’s chart-topping hit, ‘Work’ will attest to being confused about what she’s exactly singing about.

However, one mum chose to make her own interpretation of it. “She’s singing about cleaning! Right?” Deva Dalporto wrote on the Huffington Post. “No? Well, at least that’s what I’m singing about in my parody version.”

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Written by

Bianchi Mendoza