Mature-Looking Toddler Shows Unusual Signs of Puberty

She was wondering whether the 2-year-old boy had a long period of exposure to an artificial testosterone treatment meant for adults.

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A mum becomes alarmed as she continues to notice unusual signs of puberty in her toddler son. The boy showed puberty symptoms at the ripe age of 2 years old. Doctors learned this happened after exposure to his dad’s testosterone gel.

Mature-Looking Toddler Shows Unusual Signs of Puberty

Whenever Janet* and her 2-year-old son are out of the play area, she gets to ask questions about her son, Michael*. Other parents would ask shyly why a child his size was still drinking from a bottle. 

Some of the strangers who encountered the boy described him as looking like a small man. Aside from that, others called him “Viking” or “Samson” because of his unusual muscular build.

But it wasn’t the only reason why she was alarmed. The toddler’s mum saw pubic hair around her 2-year-old son’s “sizable” penis. Because of what she saw, she got seriously worried. 

“I knew it wasn’t normal,” said the 43-year-old mum. 

The mum noted that her 2-year-old son resembled boys at least 2 years older than him. She also explained how her son’s height and weight records alarmed her and her husband.

She also added, “He weighed 26 pounds at the age of 1 and put on over two pounds every month between the ages of 12 and 18 months. It wasn’t fat, just muscle.”

Dr Tony Hulse is a pediatric endocrinologist at Evelina London Children’s Hospital in the UK. He was somewhat baffled when the family consulted him in March. 

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Tests Showed High Levels of Testosterone

The doctor advised that the boy undergo blood work. Results showed that Michael had an abnormally high level of testosterone.  

The toddler had as much testosterone in his system as an adult male. Furthermore, it should be negligible for a boy his age. Aside from that, he also had a 4- or 5-year-old’s bone density.

Further test results ruled out the most common cause. It includes endocrine tumour or congenital disorder that affects the adrenal glands. 

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“It was very scary,” Janet said. “Nobody seemed to know what was going on.” 

After all the blood work and tests, one of the doctor’s colleagues made a suggestion. She was wondering whether the 2-year-old boy had a long period of exposure to an artificial testosterone treatment meant for adults.

Because of the suggestion, Dr Hulse decided to email Michael’s parents. He then asked if the toddler had ever come into contact with the medication. The mum then revealed Michael’s father, Toby*, was born with a complex testicular condition. 

“My husband had been using testosterone gel for several years,” said Janet. 

She also said that they discovered that the generous amount of topical gel her husband uses possibly caused their son’s rapid growth.

“I spent two years of my life thinking that I was protecting and taking care of him when in fact, his own environment was contaminated,” said the mum. 

Toby uses the gel on his skin to help correct his testosterone deficiency. Unfortunately, individuals with close contact with male patients are at risk of direct exposure.

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The doctor explained that testosterone penetrates the bloodstream despite minimal exposure to the skin. 

 “Studies have shown that even if you cover the site with a T-shirt, 40 to 48% of the hormone can be transferred,” said Dr Benjamin Udoka Nwosu, head of pediatric endocrinology at Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New York.

Additionally, if the exposure occurs over a long period, the amount of testosterone can be harmful. It is dangerous for children because they can enter puberty years before their peers.

Meanwhile, Janet said that Michael’s “avoidable” condition has already taken effect. 

“The toxin has effectively distorted his appearance,” she said. “We’ll never know what he was supposed to look like at the age of 2.”

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8 Signs of Puberty in Boys

Puberty can be a confusing time for children. They may experience several physical and psychological changes in their bodies and lives. Aside from that, their bodies essentially begin to transition from ‘kid stage’ to ‘adult stage.’

As parents, we need to learn the expected signs of puberty in boys. By doing this, we know when to determine whether our sons’ growth falls under unusual or normal. Below are some of the signs you need to remember:

  • One common sign of puberty in boys is that their testicular size increases.
  • They also experience other physical developments by the age of 13. Penis gets longer as the testicles continue to grow bigger. They may also notice breast tissue that may start to form under the nipples. Aside from that, boys also begin to have wet dreams.
  • One visible sign of puberty is hair growth on his sex organs, also known as pubic hair. 
  • Boy’s voice box (larynx) enlarges, as do his vocal cords. 
  • When a boy hits puberty, he may also experience acne on his face.
  • A boy will start developing body odour as larger sweat glands are produced during puberty. 
  • Puberty is also the phase when a boy will start developing facial hair. It grows at the corners of the upper lip and then spreads to form a moustache. 
  • At a certain phase of puberty, a boy may start experiencing erection; it is just a normal part of puberty for boys.

If you are worried about how fast or slow puberty is hitting your child, do not hesitate to consult your family paediatrician.

Image Source: iStock

*Names have been changed for privacy.


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