Tyra Banks opens up about her struggle to become a mum

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She wears many hats, except that of "mum". Read about Tyra's battle with infertility in this article.

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tyra banks infertility

Tyra Banks may have so much in life. But all she wants right now is to become a mum.
Image – YouTube screengrab.

We know Tyra Banks as a glamorous former supermodel, and currently as the stunning host of popular TV series America’s Next Top Model. 

You may think she has it all but right now this superstar has revealed she wants just one thing in life — and that is to be a mum, just like you and me.

According to Hollywood Life and People reports, 41-year-old Tyra is finding it hard to get pregnant, but she’s not ready to give up on her quest to conceive.

Tyra Banks infertility struggle: IVF treatment hasn’t worked so far to help Tyra and her boyfriend of two years Eric Asla become parents.
Image – YouTube screengrab

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“Damn, the clock is ticking”

Ex-supermodel Tyra has achieved so much in life. But now, she just wants to have children and she’s beating herself up for not having tried earlier in life to get pregnant.

She told People, “When I turned 40, the one thing I was not happy about is that I did not have kids. I’m like, ‘Damn, the clock is ticking!’”

In fact, ever since she was just 24 she used to say every year that she planned to have kids in three years.

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However, this never happened as she found herself working around the clock and just did not have the time to have children. “When you’re like, ‘OK, I’m just going to do it,’ then it’s not so easy as you get older,” she revealed.

Tyra has been with her boyfriend photographer Erik Asla for two years, and has now resorted to IVF to assist her in her pregnancy quest. “I’ve had some not happy moments with that, very traumatic moments,” she says.

Despite her struggle to become a mum, she is positive that her dreams will eventually turn to reality. “I hope [for kids],” she says. “I don’t just want one child. I want a litter! And I want to be the kind of mom where my child can come to me for anything.”

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Don’t delay motherhood for too long

Tyra’s story highlights how important it is for women who want to become mums, to have kids before they get too old.

In fact, medical experts point out that the best age for child-bearing among women is from age 20-35. After this, even though it is possibly to get pregnant, a woman may face health complications during the pregnancy or experience fertility issues as the older a woman gets, the more her fertility levels decline.

Read this theAsianparent article on pregnancy for older women.

Meanwhile, we really hope Tyra becomes a mum soon and gets to experience what will be one of the most incredible experiences in her life by far — motherhood.

At what age did you have your first and subsequent kids? Did you struggle to conceive? Do share your story with us by posting a comment below. 

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