Top 3 Tips For Moral Development In Children

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Moral development is one of the most underrated aspects of parenting until parents actually notice any alarming behavior in children, like stealing, lying, etc. Teaching your children to be morally upright is tricky business but here are top 3 tips--tried and tested from a mummy just like you.

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Teaching your children to be morally upright is tricky business as they are still inexperienced about life and may often digress from the right path. Although children are known to have an inborn desire to behave well and keep their parents happy but peer pressure and several other factors often cause them to trade their sound judgement to become socially acceptable in their group.

This, of course, becomes a cause of concern when children begin to attend school and have better decision-making powers. Helping children choose between right and wrong is thereby important to help them feel good and confidentabout themselves. Here’s how you can gradually set the conscience of your children right:

Let Them Find Their Role Model

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Parents need not be a child’s only role models. They may have their heroes in school, in their favorite books, television, or even look up to some members in your extended family. Instead of feeling offended that you are not their only hero, you should rather encourage them to find their role models as they probably try to imitate positive behavior of these people or characters.

You may even discuss stories with them about successful family members or any popular leaders to inspire them. Do not forget to point out the positive behavior of these people during these discussion sessions with your child; however be sure to demonstrate this behavior in your personal life. If you will not lead by example, your child is bound to get confused.

Respect Is A Two-Way Street

You must respect your child if you expect the same from them. When you are courteous and respectful towards your child, it helps them recognize the need to treat others with respect as well, suggests Ohio State University Extension.

Encourage Them To Express Their Opinions

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Be sure to ask your child’s opinion before you determine any disciplinary actions for them. It’s okay if you do not want to go by their opinions when taking a final decision but this still shows them that their thoughts are important. This gives them a better understanding about fairness and that everyone’s point of view is valuable.

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Spending quality time with your children and making them feel loved and cared for go a long way in helping children open up with parents and seek their guidance from time to time. Instead of brushing off their ideas at once, hearing them out without being judgemental about it is a great way to encourage children share their problems with you. This gradually strengthens their bond with their parents and also builds up their moral sense as they grow up.

Giving children a little freedom to take their own decisions can also help them feel independent and more responsible about their actions. Parents must understand that excessively protective behaviour and extremely firm approach with kids no longer work with children nowadays. Hence, raising morally righteous children is the best way parents can protect their children.

Article by: Brenda Lyttle is a freelance writer and the proud mother of a teenage daughter. Lyttle makes halloween costumes 2012 for a living and loves to throw parties for her daughter. She is planning to order spring party supplies anytime soon to surprise her daughter now.


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Sandra Ong