Toddler sliced herself on a broken bottle left on park slide

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“I helped her up a bit and then she went down the slide. As she reached the bottom she hit the glass which cut her leg.”

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Although playgrounds are made for little ones to enjoy themselves in, they are not the safest places for children in the world. Accidents do happen in them, but what two-year-old Demi-Mai experienced in a playground in Torquay was no mere accident.

Toddler Sliced Herself on a Broken Bottle Left on Park Slide

Photo credit: Mirror / Apex News and Pictures

According to a Mirror report, the two-year old was playing on the slide when she sliced herself on a broken bottle.

She emerged on the slide bloodied and crying, to the shock of her mother Amy Smith. But the thing is, the broken bottle was deliberately left there.

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“I’m really angry that someone would do that in a children’s play park,” Amy said in the report. “I was so proud of Demi as she had just learnt to climb up the rope that leads up to the slide. I helped her up a bit and then she went down the slide. As she reached the bottom she hit the glass which cut her leg.”

Needing hospital treatment, Demi-mai was rushed to the hospital where the doctors stitched her wound up.

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The report also said that the Torbay Council’s Natural Environment Services have been notified of the issue, and have cleared up all the glass from the slide.

Photo credit: Mirror / Apex News and Pictures

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“I hope by bring what happened to people’s attention then it might help other parents avoid their children getting hurt,” said Amy.

Keeping children safe in playgrounds

There’s no harm in being extra vigilant outside, especially when your children’s safety is on the line. offers these tips to help protect your children at the playground:

  • Actively supervise children on playgrounds. It won’t be hard—they’ll probably be calling for you to watch them climb, jump and swing.
  • Check playgrounds where your children play. Look for hazards, such as rusted or broken equipment and dangerous surfaces. Report any hazards to the school or appropriate local office.
  • Teach children that pushing, shoving or crowding while on the playground can be dangerous.
  • Dress appropriately for the playground. Remove necklaces, purses, scarves or clothing with drawstrings that can get caught on equipment and pose a strangulation hazard. Even helmets can be dangerous on a playground, so save those for bikes.
  • Little kids can play differently than big kids. It is important to have a separate play area for children under 5.

Written by

James Martinez