Real Stories: "Our 1-year-old woke us up, saved our lives!"

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Baby Celia didn't even know she did it, but she saved her family's lives from carbon monoxide poisoning.

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When something goes amiss in our home, it is usually us who notice that something is wrong. The remote control is not on the desk? We notice. The lights have been left on? We notice. The faucet is dripping? Yes, we notice even that.

And yet when something terrible was happening in this Canadian mother’s home, it was neither her nor her husband who noticed it — it was their one-year-old daughter Celia. And she eventually saves her family’s life.

Baby Saves Her Family’s Life

Monique chronicled this experience on her Facebook, saying,

“This precious little angel did something extraordinary. Something she will not fully understand until she is grown. She literally saved our lives.”

“Celia typically wakes once per night. We always get up with her and help her back to sleep. On Friday at 3 a.m., she stirred for the second time. I attempted to make my way to her room but only made it a few feet before being completely overwhelmed with vertigo.”

The next thing they knew Monique and her husband Kyle was attacked by a bout of dizziness, headache and nausea.

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“We packed a bag and woke Celia. She began vomiting and as I held her my cat collapsed at my feet,” she wrote.

They called Kyle’s parents and they arrived in time to help just before he collapsed.

The family was taken to a hospital and treated for carbon monoxide poisoning and then airlifted to Vancouver where they underwent oxygen therapy in a Hyperbaric Chamber — equipment that helps a person’s blood carry more oxygen to their organs.

Safety is Key

The mum reminded other netizens about the importance of having a carbon monoxide detector at home.

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“Please ensure you have a Carbon Monoxide detector and that it works. We are so thankful Celia woke us. We often wished she would sleep through the night but we do not feel that way any more. Our sweet sweet baby saved us all,” she wrote.

In the comments section of her Facebook post, Monique shared that the leak came from their furnace.

Mums and dads, when was the last time you made sure that your gas lines are sealed tight? If you are reading this, this is your sign that you need to start checking them on a regular.

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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Every year in the United States, over 400 Americans die from unintended carbon monoxide poisoning unrelated to fires. Meanwhile, 20,000 visit the ER and 4,000 people are hospitalised for the same reason.

Carbon Monoxide is a deadly gas with no odour or flavour. Breathing it in can make you sick and if you’re exposed to high levels, it can kill you.

Carbon monoxide poisoning happens when carbon monoxide builds up in your bloodstream. When there is too much carbon monoxide in the air, your body substitutes carbon monoxide for oxygen in your red blood cells. This can result in significant tissue damage or even death.

People who are sleeping or inebriated are most vulnerable to carbon monoxide poisoning. Before anyone recognises there’s an issue, people may suffer irreversible brain damage or even die.

That’s why it was good that Baby Celia woke up her family when she did.

Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

You may not know it right away but Carbon monoxide poisoning can manifest the following symptoms:

  • Dull headache
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Shortness of breath
  • Confusion
  • Blurred vision
  • Loss of consciousness

Just like in the case of Monique and her family, they also experienced the same symptoms without even knowing that they’d already been Carbon monoxide-poisoned.

Image Source: iStock

Where Do you Get Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Inhaling combustion gases causes carbon monoxide poisoning. When you inhale too much carbon monoxide, your body replaces the oxygen in your red blood cells with carbon monoxide. This reduces the amount of oxygen available to your cells and organs.

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Carbon monoxide is produced by a variety of fuel-burning equipment and motors. The amount of carbon monoxide emitted by these sources is usually insignificant. However, if they’re utilised in a closed or partially closed room, carbon monoxide levels can quickly rise to deadly levels.

Carbon monoxide poisoning can also be caused by inhaling smoke during a fire.

In Monique’s family’s case, it was their gas lines.

How Long Does It Take To Get Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Low-level carbon monoxide exposure can cause symptoms that are comparable to food poisoning and the flu. However, it does not result in a high temperature.

With extended exposure to carbon monoxide, the symptoms can progressively worsen. Your symptoms may be milder when you’re immediately removed from the source of the carbon monoxide.

Your symptoms will worsen the longer you breathe the gas. You may lose your sense of balance, eyesight, and memory, as well as consciousness.

If there is a lot of carbon monoxide in the air, this can happen in as little as 2 hours.

Long-term Effects of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning can result in the following complications, depending on the degree and period of exposure:

  • Permanent brain damage
  • Damage to your heart, possibly leading to life-threatening cardiac complications
  • Fetal death or miscarriage
  • Death

Causes of Carbon Monoxide Leaking

Carbon monoxide is created when fuels like gas, oil, coal, and wood do not burn completely. It is formed by the combustion of charcoal, the operation of automobiles, and the inhalation of cigarette smoke.

Here are common domestic appliances that use gas, oil, coal, or wood as a source of fuel:

  • boilers
  • gas fires
  • central heating systems
  • water heaters
  • cookers
  • open fires

Make sure to always keep these appliances in check and in good condition.

Image Source: iStock

How to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning can be avoided by taking a few simple precautions:

  • Install carbon monoxide detectors and make sure to regularly check their condition.
  • Every year, have a skilled expert service your heating system, water heater, and any other gas, oil, or coal-burning appliances.
  • Vent your gas appliances correctly. Because horizontal vent pipes for appliances should rise slightly as they approach the outside. Carbon monoxide will leak if the connections or pipes aren’t tight enough.
  • If your gas refrigerator emits an odour, have it serviced by a professional. It could be leaking carbon monoxide.
  • Never heat with a gas range or oven.

Lastly, if you have carbon monoxide poisoning in your house, you must locate and repair the source of the carbon monoxide. Before returning to the scene of the accident, make sure to have them repaired and install new carbon monoxide alarms. The fire department or utility provider in your area may be able to assist you.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Treatment

Carbon monoxide poisoning might have minor warning symptoms. However, the situation is a medical emergency that could result in death. If you suspect you or someone you’re with is suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning, immediately call your medical provider.

Updates from theAsianparent Philippines.

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Written by

James Martinez