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Becoming a parent means from the moment kids are born, one has to somehow gain superpowers. Parents need to be able to see and thwart dangers they never even considered before. And because there are no actual powers bestowed upon new parents, mistakes will happen. Unfortunately, sometimes those mistakes can be deadly– which is why Nicole Johnson Goddard, mother of three, is sharing what happened to her family when she had a casual oversight with her youngest toddler son, Nash.
“I wanted to share our experience because as I’ve shared the story so many people were shocked and unaware of the bad effect popcorn can have on a toddler, ” Goddard wrote on Facebook. They “were all watching a movie and eating popcorn which is a very frequent event on the weekend in our home. I didn’t think twice to give Nash popcorn. Nash had a small choking episode but was fine. We didn’t see anything come out so we assumed he swallowed it. He seemed completely fine and continued to watch the movie. The only thing we observed was a cough he developed after the episode. The next day he was fine but still had a weird sounding cough which concerned me a little.”
“I just assumed he was catching the same crud we had all been going through,” she confessed.
The procedure revealed that Nash had actually aspirated popcorn into his lungs from the choking episode.
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“If I wouldn’t have trusted my instinct and brought him in, the outcome wouldn’t have been good,” she admitted.
This article was first published on Cafemom and was republished on theAsianparent with permission.