To The Mum Anxious About Her Toddler’s Health…

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A letter for mums feeling anxious about their child’s well-being. Here are some tips to help you maintain your toddler's health

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Dear mummy,

We see you for the unsung hero you are. Raising a tiny human is tough, but you do it with so much grace, strength, and dignity. You love your tot unconditionally, and just seeing him smile lights up your eyes.

But why do we get the feeling that of late, you have been worried and stressed? What has been bothering you? 

Are you constantly anxious about your little one getting sick? We noticed that you stopped taking him to the playground. 

Mummy, it is normal to feel anxious about your child’s well-being. And you are not alone. Post COVID-19, the level of health anxiety has skyrocketed among parents all over the world. For every sneeze and sniffle we hear, we get a little extra vigilant and watchful, because we’re expecting the worst.

We feel you, mummy. The hardest part of being a parent is the fear, the worry, and the uncertainty of what lies next. When your whole world revolves around your little cub, you’ll move mountains to shield him from the big bad world of germs.

But don’t let the fear of sickness prevent your child from enjoying a happy, carefree childhood.

Your child needs to play outside – it will help him become healthier and stronger. When children play outside, they can run around, jump and shout in a way they can’t when they are indoors. This increased physical activity and exposure to the sun improves their physical and mental development and cognitive abilities. 

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Yes, outdoor play does mean dirtier hands, messier clothes, and possible exposure to germs. We all want to protect our kids and make sure they’re safe and healthy. But we can’t always keep our children in a protective bubble – it will stifle their growth. As parents, we want to raise happy, healthy children who are confident and empowered. 

 So how can you ensure that your little tot stays healthy as he explores the world around him and gains valuable life skills? 

The answer lies in optimal nutrition.

Studies1,2 have shown that a healthy, balanced diet that is rich in essential nutrients can help boost your little one’s immunity and intelligence. A well-nourished toddler is better equipped to fight off infections and illnesses, as they have a stronger immune system. The food that toddlers eat also affects their brain function, memory, and learning ability. 

Here are some tips to help you focus on providing your toddler with optimal nutrition:

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Offer a variety of foods.  

Mummy, your tiny tot might be a picky eater but it’s important to offer him a range of foods from all food groups. This includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. You might want to get creative with different recipes or combinations to make it more interesting for them.

Limit processed foods and sugar

Processed foods and sugar can have a negative impact on your toddler’s health, including weakening their immune system and impairing their cognitive function. Try to limit their intake of these foods as much as possible.

Focus on nutrient-dense foods

Your child’s growing body and brain require the right nutrients to promote optimal development and support immunity and digestive health. By providing him with nutrient-dense foods you can ensure that you pack in a lot of nutrients in every bite. Some examples of nutrient-rich foods are berries, nuts, beans, leafy greens, and salmon. Try to incorporate these foods into your toddler’s meals and snacks as much as possible.

For greater peace of mind and confidence in building your child’s immune system, you might want to supplement your little one’s diet with a Growing Up Formula. Aptamil Gold+ Growing Up Milk for children aged 1-3 years old now has Immuno-Nutrients⁺ (Iron, Folic Acid, Vitamin C & D), Prebiotics^ & 1 Billion Probiotics~ to boost your little one’s immunity and digestive health. It also has the highest DHA among other growing up milk for brain development.

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If you would like to try a FREE* 900g Aptamil sample, do click here. 

Lastly, mummy, it’s understandable to be anxious about your toddler’s health, but try not to let it consume you. You can only control what you can control. By focusing on optimal nutrition for your toddler, you can help support his immunity and intelligence, so he can explore the world around him without fear. 

Let kids be kids and play!

Applies to Aptamil Stage 3 (128mg/100g) & Aptamil HA Stage 3 (87.3mg/100g) Growing Up Milk vs other Growing Up Milk (Stage 3) sold in Singapore as checked on 23 Sep 2022.

+Immuno-nutrients referring to Iron, Folic Acid, and Vitamin C & D contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system.

* T&Cs apply. Only applicable for new users. Redemption is strictly limited to one sample per entity. Impersonation of another entity for sample redemption is not allowed (e.g. using another entity’s username, password, or other account information). Multiple accounts created for the purpose of sample redemption by the same entity will be deemed as fraud and may be reported to the relevant authorities. Excludes infant and follow-on formula (0-12 months).

~ 1 billion Probiotics BBM-16V (1X 109 cfu/100g) to fight against harmful bacteria in the digestive system, thereby helping to maintain a healthy digestive system 

^ Contains unique prebiotic blend, scGOS:lcFOS (9:1) to support child’s natural defences. Arslanoglu et al. 2008. Journal of Nutrition, 138:1091-1095

1 Katona, P., & Katona-Apte, J. (2008). The interaction between nutrition and infection. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 46(10), 1582-1588.

2 Cusick, S. E., & Georgieff, M. K. (2016). The role of nutrition in brain development: the golden opportunity of the “first 1000 days”. The Journal of pediatrics, 175, 16-21.

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