Have Bad Neighbours? Here Are 9 Easy Tips On How To Deal With Them

Even the most wonderful neighbourhoods can be ruined if you have bad neighbours. So it would be best to know what you can do to address the issue peacefully.

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Your home life doesn’t only involve everything that happens at home, but it can also involve the people who live around you. Even the most wonderful neighbourhoods can  be ruined if you have bad neighbours. They can cause problems for you and your family, and can even be a cause of problems at home.

Here are some of the types of bad neighbours, and here’s what you can do about them:

The racket makers: The usual suspects here are the screaming moms,

The property line fanatics: Someone who trims all the trees around his boundary, and then sends you the bill for it.

The slob: Like the neighbour that lets the grass grow and leaves trash cans out days after pickup (make sure you’re not the slob!).

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The careless pet owner: That neighbour who leaves “you know what” around the neighbourhood.

The extreme weirdos: Drunks, drug dealers, and the neighbour that never says anything.

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READ: Neighbour sends angry letter to new parents about their crying baby

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Written by

Jan Alwyn