Husbands, if you’ve ever said any of these things to your wife, you’ve got a lot to learn!
Whether you’ve made the mistake of uttering any of these regrettable sentences to your wife, or you’re finding new ways to walk on eggshells, you’re going to want to check out our list.
Read up on how to keep your wife happy, and your head on your shoulders, guys!
1. “You’re not that old”
If you’ve ever said this to your wife, then I’d first like to congratulate you on surviving. Next, I’d like to remind you to never say it again. Ladies can get pretty sensitive when it comes to their age and growing older. You do not need to perpetuate any of their insecurities by reminding them of their age!
2. “It’s up to you…”
It might seem like your wife is indecisive sometimes, but she is really just looking for you to make a decision. When it comes to the smaller things in life, make a decision! Wives don’t want to pick a restaurant…that’s your job husbands!
3. Anything to do with your ex-girlfriend
I am not sure why you would ever think this is a good idea, but I’ll just reassure you: it IS NOT. Comparing your wife to an ex is a surefire way to spark a fight, jealousy, insecurities or some questions that you do not want to answer.
4. “Relax”, “Chill out”, or “Calm down”
Your wife has earned the right to flip out every now and then. Do not be dismissive and tell her to relax or calm down. By doing this, you are invalidating her feelings. Lend a listening ear instead and let her cool off that way.
5. “Are you on your period or something?”
Even if you’re correct when asking this, it does not give you the right to say it. If your wife is mad at you or has an attitude, it’s probably for a good reason. Try asking her what is wrong and do not just assume that hormones are the root cause.
6. “I can’t stand your family”
How would you like if your wife said she did not like your parents or siblings? You would not like that, would you? Maybe you should just keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself and try to resolve the issue any way you can. If you do bring up the issue, do not bring it up crudely expecting her to be fine with listening to your talk bad about her family.
7. “You’re starting to remind me of your mother”
A classic example of bad things to say to a woman…especially your wife! No matter the context, there’s a good chance she’ll take this in an offensive manner. It is best to avoid this comparison at all costs, husbands!
8. “Are you really gonna eat all of that?”
Husbands, remember when you first started dating your wife? And how little she ate on your first few dates?
Do not make her feel insecure! She has earned the right to eat as much as she wants as long as it is within a healthy and reasonable range. Let her be comfortable with you, and do not call her out for being human!
9. “Stop being so sensitive”
Women don’t have the option of just “turning off” their sensitivity. Instead, you should just embrace your wife’s sensitivity… and even your own! Do not be rude and try to ignore her feelings by saying this. In the end, you would just end up hurting her feelings and worsen the situation between both of you.
10. “That’s what you’re gonna wear?”
I am no fashion expert and I assume you are not either. Women work very hard to pick out an outfit, and they can certainly do without your criticism and rude comments. After all, it is their body and as long as they are comfortable and happy with their choices, that is all that matters.
11. “That’s not how my mum does it”
We have talked about how it is a bad idea to compare your wife to her own mother. Well, it is also unwise to compare her to your mother. Your mum may have handled things differently, but your wife is NOT your mum. Do not compare apples and oranges, husbands.
12. “Yes, [other woman] is attractive”
No need to open up this can of worms, guys. Your wife was not born yesterday, and she knows that you probably find other women attractive, but she needs to know that she’s the apple of your eye at all times. If she asks if you find someone else pretty… just say no.
13. “Yes, that dress does make you look fat”
I truly hope you have never said this rude statement. Even as a joke it is not appropriate, or kind. This is guaranteed to spark insecurities in your wife, and you should always just respond with a quick (and thoughtful) “no”. Put yourself in her shoes and you will understand why.
14. “Stop nagging me”
I have said it before, and I will say it again: If your wife is mad, or has an attitude with you, there’s probably a good reason. If she’s “nagging” you, there is probably a good reason for that as well. Maybe you should try to communicate with her and understand where she is coming from instead of insisting she’s out of line or being annoying.
15. “I make more than you”
Husbands, this is demoralizing to hear from anyone. So, imagine how demoralizing it would be for your hard-working wife to hear it from you. Even if it is true, rude and offensive comments like this have no place in a happy marriage! Do not start comparing in a relationship, it will not do anyone good.
If you have any insights, questions or comments regarding the topic, please share them with us!