The SoulKids Book of Self-Confidence Boosts Your Child's Self-Esteem!

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Featuring 12 short stories, The SoulKids Book of Self-Confidence imparts the simple values of being persistent, learning to be comfortable in one’s own skin, as well as exceeding expectations, amongst others.

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The SoulKids Book of Self-Confidence

The SoulKids Book of Self-Confidence By Vikas Malkni and Sally Forresst

Pages: 136

Price: $30

Availability: At all major leading


Published by: SoulCentre Pte Ltd

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ISBN : 978 981 08 2104 3

Recommended for: Anyone aged six onwards, to discover the fundamental traits of being confident, facing fears and concentrating on being the unique individual that they are.


Featuring 12 short stories, The SoulKids Book of Self-Confidence imparts the simple values of being persistent, learning to be comfortable in one’s own skin, as well as exceeding expectations, amongst others.

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Each story serves as a lesson and reminder to the child and parent respectively. For instance, The Power of Self-Belief, conveys the concept that what we think and feel, affects our actions, and hence our results. If we believe we can succeed, we will succeed because our mentality pushes us to achieve the goal.

The SoulKids Book of Self-Confidence is a book that can be read at any time of the day. A good book to reread in order to remember the easily forgettable qualities which are essential.

What we liked best:

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1) The pictures from a child’s perspective as they are by children of various ages.

2) The testimonials at the end of the book increases the credibility as it shows that both children and parents have benefited from it.

3) The book is very colorful and engaging.

What we didn’t like:

1) It is too wordy on some pages, making it difficult for a young reader to follow without getting bored or confused.

2) The lack of pictures of children participating in the programme that would complement the testimonials at the end of the book, hence, making it less comprehensive.

Verdict: 4 out of 5 stars. Love the kids’ hand-drawn pictures!

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Written by

Sandra Ong