The Worse Nightmare Labour

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Rodiah Binte Eunos shares her traumatic labour story with theAsianparent

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Labour Story.

I had c-section for my two kids. The first one I had no problem, but my second child I really had the worse nightmare. Let me cut the story short. Both my chid I had to go thru a c-section as adviced by the doctor as my child were both born more than 3kg.

On the day of my ceascerian at the OT they started to inject me with the epidural as I wanted my husband to be by my side during the operation. I thought that it’s going to be the same as my first child, when they injected the epidural half of my body was “paralysed” can’t even move my leg, but this time round different I still can move my leg, maybe the epidural was not that strong.

My husband was by my side when the operation was already started. I still remember the smell of the burning laser cutting my tummy. After they cut my tummy with the laser, I cried because I can really feel they ripped open my tummy but without pain, I start to panic and tears start to flow from my eyes. The doctor saw this and started giving me oxygen that makes me drowsy and they give me another shot of epidural which I really can feel the medicine flow in my vein. Once the baby is out, I have another problem, where my uterus was bleeding very badly.

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Since they are using laser, no stitches was done. I can really feel they use alot of plasters to cover up the wound. I lost a lot of blood. Thank god I’m ok and in drowsiness I manage to see my handsome baby. Until now I really have a trauma to have another baby.

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Written by

Tiffany Yip