The Post-Divorce Glow-Up Is Real... And Here's Why

Recently, a TikTok user posed a question that set the internet ablaze: "Why do women get super sexy after a divorce? Where was that effort when we were married?"

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Have you ever heard of the “post-divorce glow-up”?

It’s a phenomenon where women seemingly become more attractive and confident after going through a divorce. This topic has been buzzing on social media, with one particular TikTok video sparking a heated discussion.

Let’s dive into why the post-divorce glow-up is a real thing and what it reveals about relationships and personal growth.


The Viral TikTok Video on Post-Divorce Glow Up

Recently, a TikTok user posed a question that set the internet ablaze: “Why do women get super sexy after a divorce? Where was that effort when we were married?”

This query caught the attention of Brittany, a podcaster from Two Moray Eels, who brilliantly broke down the reasons behind the post-divorce glow-up.

@twomorayeels #greenscreenvideo it’s simple, you’re robbing her of the mental and physical space to take care of herself by not independently managing your responsibility as a father/household member 🤷🏻‍♀️ #husbandandwife #happywife #fairplay #divisionoflabor #misogyny #modernwomen #domesticlaborisstilllabor #thementalloadofmotherhood #postdivorceglowup ♬ original sound – twomorayeels

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Three Types of Husbands and Fathers

According to Brittany, there are three types of men when it comes to their roles as husbands and fathers:

  1. The Defaulters: These men leave most, if not all, of the parenting and household responsibilities to their wives.
  2. The Transactional Helpers: They “help” their wives with responsibilities, but only in exchange for something that benefits them personally.
  3. The Equal Partners: These men carry their share of responsibility because they find it rewarding and want to contribute.


The Post-Divorce Glow-Up Explained

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Brittany explains that women who experience a post-divorce glow-up were likely married to either a Defaulter or a Transactional Helper.

These types of partners often rob women of the mental and physical space needed to take care of themselves. On the other hand, women who glow up during their marriage are usually partnered with an Equal Partner.


It’s Not About Impressing Others

Many assume that the post-divorce glow-up is an attempt to attract a new partner. However, as one commenter pointed out, most women who go through this transformation are doing it strictly for themselves. It’s about reclaiming their time, energy, and self-care.

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The Extra Time Factor

Some argue that single moms should have less time for themselves than when they were married. However, having a partner doesn’t always equate to having more personal time. In fact, being with a Defaulter or Transactional Helper can mean dedicating even more energy to taking care of another person’s needs.


Flourishing in the Right Environment

Source: iStock

As one insightful commenter put it, “If a flower doesn’t bloom, you don’t blame the flower. It needs a better environment that it can flourish in.” The post-divorce glow-up is a testament to the importance of being in a supportive and nurturing relationship that allows both partners to thrive.

The post-divorce glow-up is more than just a superficial transformation. It’s a reflection of the emotional and mental weight that can be lifted when a woman leaves an unfulfilling or draining relationship.

It’s about redirecting energy back into self-care and personal growth. As parents, it’s crucial to foster partnerships that encourage both individuals to flourish and support each other’s well-being.

If you’re a parent going through a divorce or know someone who is, remember that the post-divorce glow-up is a real and valid experience. Embrace the opportunity to focus on yourself and your personal growth.

Surround yourself with supportive people who encourage you to thrive.

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And if you’re currently in a relationship, take a moment to reflect on whether it’s one that uplifts and nurtures both partners equally.


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Written by

Miko Pagaduan