Testicular Torsion: A Painful Threat to Male Fertility

Learn about testicular torsion and why every man needs to know this!

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Let’s talk about testicular torsion. It’s not something guys often think about until it happens, but understanding it could be crucial for your health. Testicular torsion occurs when a testicle twists in the scrotum, cutting off its blood supply. This isn’t just a minor discomfort; it’s a medical emergency that demands immediate attention.


Symptoms and Diagnosis: Don’t Ignore the Signs

When testicular torsion strikes, it doesn’t hold back. You’ll feel sudden, intense pain in your groin that gets worse over time. Dr. Chong Weiliang, from National University Hospital, explains that nausea and vomiting can accompany the pain, making it clear that something serious is happening down there. The affected testicle might even look higher or sit strangely in the scrotum.

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Who’s at Risk and Why Early Action Matters

This isn’t just a problem for older guys. Testicular torsion can hit boys as young as infants and up to the late teens. Dr. Lim Yong Wei, a consultant at Sengkang General Hospital, points out that certain anatomical factors, like Bell-Clapper deformity, increase the odds. If you suspect torsion, time is of the essence. The longer you wait, the higher the risk of losing the affected testicle.


Treatment Options: Swift Surgery Saves

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The good news? Surgery can save your testicle if you act fast. Dr. Edwin Jonathan Aslim, a urology consultant, stresses that surgery within six hours of symptoms starting gives you the best shot. Delay longer, and the chances of salvaging the testicle drop significantly. In severe cases, removing the testicle may be necessary to prevent further complications.

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Impact on Fertility and Health: What You Need to Know

Losing a testicle due to torsion doesn’t always mean losing fertility, especially if the other testicle is healthy. However, it can affect hormone production and, in some cases, lead to infertility. Regular check-ups are crucial post-torsion to monitor hormone levels and overall testicular health.


The Importance of Early Intervention: Lessons from “Just MEN-tion it!”

In Malaysia and beyond, men often face societal pressures that discourage seeking medical help. The stereotype that “tough guys don’t talk” persists, contributing to delayed diagnoses and missed opportunities for early intervention. Dr. Muhilan Parameswaran, a urologist at TMC Fertility, emphasises the importance of overcoming these barriers. He advocates for regular health assessments and timely medical intervention to manage and prevent health issues like testicular torsion.

Dr. Muhilan highlights that many health conditions affecting men, including those related to fertility, can be managed with early detection and proper medical care. He stresses the significance of routine health screenings, even when symptoms are absent, to detect potential problems early. By breaking the silence and encouraging open conversations about men’s health, we can empower men to take proactive steps towards better health outcomes.


Embracing Proactive Health Management

This Father’s Day, let’s break the silence around men’s health. By talking openly about issues like testicular torsion and promoting regular check-ups, we empower men to take control of their well-being. Remember, your health matters, and taking action early can make all the difference in preserving your reproductive health and overall quality of life.


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Written by

Matt Doctor