Is Tai Chi really an exercise?

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Every morning as you make your way to work, you pass a group of people standing in one place and moving their limbs in slow movement. How is that exercise, you wonder, since nothing vigorous is happening?

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Every morning as you make your way to work, you pass a group of people standing in one place and moving their limbs in slow movement. How is that exercise, you wonder, since nothing vigorous is happening? However, that is exactly how Tai Chi, or ‘Supreme Ultimate Force’ as the Chinese characters translate, works.

What is Tai Chi?

Tai Chi can be described as a moving form of yoga combined with mediation. Even though many of the movements, known as forms or sets, have roots in martial arts, they are performed slowly, softly and gracefully.

In the midst of much speculation of its origin, it is said to have begun in the 12th century with the legendary Chang San-Feng.

Its theory and practice evolved with many of the principles of Chinese philosophy, including both Taoism and Confucianism.

“Stay sung (relax). When practicing the form you must keep relaxed. In time you will find that it will become part of your physical and mental state,” says Grandmaster Chen Man Ching (1947).

To grasp the concept of this art, you have to be patient. By allowing it to empower the body and search for the inner chi requires patience and lots of practice. Once the inner chi has been located then can you begin achieving a harmony of body, mind and soul

Benefits of Tai Chi

This art for has many benefits.

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In China, people believe that Tai Chi can prolong life, strengthen muscles and tendons, and treat heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, depression, etc.

It also improves stamina. Jo Li, a Tai Chi enthusiast for the last 2 years, now in his twenties, realised recently that he is able to run for a longer period of time without becoming easily tired.

1. Great workout for senior citizens

Studies have shown that Tai Chi does have aerobic benefits and produces benefits in oxygen uptake and endurance.

If you think it is just for old people or people who don’t want to do strenuous exercises, think again!

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It is now being recommended as another fitness option for pregnant women because it is gentle and slow-moving.

2. Great exercise for pregnant women

Tai Chi is also beneficial for pregnant women who have never done any forms of exercise before as it reduces the chances of these women injuring themselves. Other exercises, even yoga, involve a certain amount of moving that could be a problem for pregnant women in later trimesters.

Coping with changes in body size, lifestyle and work can be stressful for a pregnant woman.

This is where the mediation portion of Tai Chi kicks in. Deep breathing and helping the mind to focus on the slow repetitive movements of the breathing, provides relief to these external changes.

It also teaches patience and enhancing such a quality would be beneficial especially when the baby arrives.

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What can a woman be more concerned about then stability when she pregnant? A research conducted at Emory University in 1996 proved that practicing Tai Chi helped reduce the chances of falling by almost 50 percent.

Tai Chi not only helps mothers-to-be, but children as well.

3. Great exercise for kids

In England, Mrs. Anne D’Souza, 26, a teacher at Broad Town Church of England School in Wiltshire, has introduced her class to Tai Chi exercises before lessons.

She has observed that the children, after the exercises, come into class calmer and prepared for their work. The children also respond better in class.

The American Journal of Medicine and Sports lists a series of studies showing that it can improve concentration, focus and performance. Mrs. D’Souza has even introduced the method to her fellow colleagues to use on their class children.

The growing vast number of people practicing in it shows its popularity and the belief people have in it.

It has spread all over the world that there is even an event called Tai Chi Day that is held on the last Saturday of April, annually.

This event begun in 1999 and is now recognised by the United Nations World Health Organization and is acknowledged worldwide. Celebrations include mass Tai Chi workouts in most cities and free classes are also offered in certain clubs in the participating cities.

Tai Chi in Singapore

Here in Singapore, the popularity of Tai Chi has caught up with people. So much so that you will definitely see small groups of people gathered and enthusiastically practicing it.

Usually in June and December, when schools are out for the holidays, many children join the neighbourhood ‘aunties’ and ‘uncles’ to participate in it.

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Its classes are conducted island wide at different organisations and not just around HDB estates. The Singapore Tai Chi Association located in Balestier, hold beginner classes with a one time entrance fee of $10 and a monthly tuition fee of $20 (monthly subscription fee of $3 not included).

However, if doing tai chi in groups doesn’t not sound appealing to you, one to one training is also available. You can try Rennie Chong Tai Chi Training Centre conducts lesson in various locations. Just make an appointment with Master Chong and a private Tai Chi lesson is yours to be scheduled.

Tai Chi is the route to a better life, physically and mentally.

As Master Cheng Man Ching said in 1947, “Tai Chi, the great ultimate, strengthens the weak, raises the sick, invigorates the debilitated, and encourages the timid.”

So don’t just sit there. Go and sign up for Tai Chi classes and work towards a healthier pattern of life!

Written by

Miss Vanda