How to Successfully Transition From Breast Milk to Formula

Transitioning your breastfed baby to formula can be a gentle journey with the right approach. Discover valuable tips to ensure a smoother switch, making both you and your little one comfortable with the change.

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Can I just switch from breast milk to formula? Does switching from breastmilk to formula cause upset stomach? How do I get my breastfed baby to take formula?

Breastfeeding comes with many questions: how do you know if baby is latching properly? How to tell when baby is full? But one of the most common questions by far is, “How long should you breastfeed before switching to formula?” In this article, we tackle the answer to that question. 

How Long Should You Breastfeed Before Switching To Formula? 

An uncomplicated answer to this question would be that there’s no best time to switch from breast milk to formula. You can breastfeed for as long as you like, even extending to toddlerhood and beyond

In fact, the World Health Organization recommends that mums should exclusively breastfeed their babies for six months, and then up to a year and age two, if possible. 

But, in less-than-ideal circumstances, there comes a time when you have to finally wean your baby off the breast and introduce them to formula milk.

But, first things first, why is breast milk so very important to a baby?

Breast milk, simply put, is like no other food. It is human milk for human babies and as such, is tailor-made to fulfill every single nutritional need of a child until they are ready for solids. 

Packed with proteins, fats, carbohydrates and a complex mix of vitamins, minerals and antibodies, breast milk not only nourishes your child, but also protects them from illness.

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This is especially significant for newborn babies whose immune systems are still weak. So when you breastfeed your newborn your liquid gold or colostrum, you are essentially strengthening their immune system. 

Breast milk is a living food. As your baby grows older, subtle changes take place in your milk’s composition as it adjusts to their nutritional needs. Breast milk even changes to include more antibodies when your baby is sick, by “reading” his saliva. 

But it’s not just the nutrition that your baby gets from breast milk that is important. The act of breastfeeding itself has important psycho-emotional benefits to both mum and baby.

It helps you bond. It can reduce the risk of post-natal depression in mums and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in babies. And it can calm an anxious, fretful baby like nothing else. 

Honestly, there’s really no reason to give a healthy baby anything else until he starts solids at around six months of age.

How long should you breastfeed before switching to formula?

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Well Then, What About When Baby Starts Solids? 

The current paediatric recommendation is that you start solids at around six months of age. So should you stop breastfeeding at this point?  Absolutely not, if this is your choice. 

In fact, continuing to breastfeed while your baby makes the jump to regular food will ease this transition. It will also help the baby digest their solids better, resulting in fewer tummy issues. 

Should You Switch To Formula When Baby Is a Year Old?

So you’ve breastfed for a year, and your baby has already been on solids for around six months. You might hear from well-meaning aunties and friends that now your one-year-old baby can finally start on formula. 

Again, unless you choose to or the paediatrician recommends it, there is absolutely no reason to switch to formula even at this point. 

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At 12 months of age, your baby can simply start drinking fresh, whole-cream, full-fat cow’s milk. Any brand would do. It’s cheaper than formula too. 

Wait. My Healthy Baby Does Not Need Any Formula At All? 

Unless there’s a medical reason for your baby to be put on formula or you decide it’s what works best for you and baby, there is actually no reason for a healthy baby to drink formula. 

You can keep breastfeeding for as long as you wish, for as long as it is the right choice for you and your baby.  But again, you can also opt to make the switch from breast milk to formula.

What Are The Instances When A Baby Needs Formula? 

Formula is not a bad choice at all mums, so don’t feel guilty if it’s a decision that you make. In fact, for babies under 12 months of age, it’s the next best thing to breast milk if you cannot or choose not to breastfeed.

And there are certain instances when baby milk formula is recommended by health professionals: 

  • If the mum is sick or has to take medication or treatments (e.g. chemotherapy) that can pass through to the baby via breast milk and harm his health. 
  • If the baby cannot tolerate dairy, a soy-based formula might be recommended. 
  • If the paediatrician thinks the baby is underweight or has some form of nutrient deficiency, a speciality formula may be recommended. Such formulas are specifically tailored to address different health issues babies might face, such as low birth weight or severe allergies. 

There are other instances when the baby’s mother makes the choice to switch from breast milk to formula, such as:

  • She was not able to establish a good milk supply.
  • She finds it more convenient, especially during the night feeds.
  • It’s easier for mum as dad too can feed baby.
  • She cannot breastfeed, for whatever reason, personal or health. 
  • Mummy has to return to work, and she finds formula-feeding easier than pumping breast milk.
  • Mix feeding (formula and breast milk) works better for her
  • She’s had an alcoholic drink or two and doesn’t want to breastfeed her baby. 
  • She lives away from her baby and only sees them on the weekend. 

There are some instances when formula is recommended for babies.

Transitioning from Breast Milk to Formula

Can I just switch from breast milk to formula?

Switching from breast milk to formula can be done, but it’s generally recommended to make the transition gradually. Abruptly stopping breastfeeding can be uncomfortable for both you and your baby, as it can lead to engorgement and emotional adjustment. Slowly introducing formula feeds alongside breastfeeding can make the change smoother.

Does switching from breast milk to formula cause an upset stomach?

A switch from breast milk to formula might cause some initial adjustments for your baby’s digestive system. Formula can be slightly harder to digest than breast milk, which might result in temporary tummy discomfort. However, most babies adapt well over time. If you notice severe digestive issues or allergies, consult your paediatrician.

Switching from Breast Milk to Formula: Tips for Success

Transitioning from breast milk to formula can be a significant step in your baby’s feeding journey. Whether it’s a matter of choice or necessity, a smooth transition is essential for both you and your little one.

How do I get my breastfed baby to take formula?

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Getting a breastfed baby to take formula may require some patience and experimentation. Start with mixed feedings, offering both breast milk and formula. Gradually increase the proportion of formula in each feeding until your baby becomes accustomed to it. Try different types of formula to see which one your baby prefers, as taste can vary.

Here are some tips to make the switch as seamless as possible:

  • Gradual Introduction

Start by introducing formula gradually while continuing to breastfeed. This helps your baby adapt to the new taste and allows your body to adjust to decreased milk production.

  • Consistent Timing

Maintain a consistent feeding schedule to provide predictability for your baby. This can help them feel more secure during the transition.

  • Alternate Breast Milk and Formula

If your baby is resistant to the new taste, try alternating breast milk and formula in increasing proportions until you reach a full formula feed.

  • Choose the Right Formula

Consult with your paediatrician to select the appropriate formula for your baby. There are various types available, including those for sensitive stomachs or allergies.

  • Offer a Familiar Bottle

Use a bottle that your baby is familiar with, which can provide comfort during the transition.

  • Stay Patient and Supportive

Transitioning can be an adjustment for both you and your baby. Be patient and provide emotional support throughout the process.

  • Seek Professional Guidance

If you encounter difficulties or have concerns, consult your paediatrician for personalised advice and recommendations.

Is It Okay to Mix Breast Milk with Formula

When it comes to supplementing with formula, you might be wondering if it’s cool to mix breast milk and formula in one go. The deal is, it’s often better to keep ’em separate. Why? Well, if your little one doesn’t finish the mixed batch, your precious breastmilk can go to waste because you gotta toss the unused formula.

So, here’s the game plan: serve your pumped milk first by itself to ensure none of that “liquid gold” gets wasted. Also, make sure you or whoever’s doing the bottle-feeding uses the paced bottle-feeding technique. This way, the milk flows more like breastfeeding, and your baby won’t get too hooked on the quicker bottle flow.

Moreover, when you check out what the research says about this, a review by Schanler in 2007 points out that mixing formula and breastmilk can mess with how your baby absorbs protein and important minerals like calcium, phosphorus, and zinc.

Instead, the recommendation is to alternate between formula and breastmilk separately, rather than tossing them into the same mix.

Do you use the same amount of formula as breast milk?

The amount of formula needed for a feeding can be similar to the amount of breastmilk your baby consumes, but it’s not always an exact match. Babies may consume slightly less formula because it’s often more calorically dense than breastmilk.

Follow your baby’s cues for hunger and fullness to determine the right amount of formula needed at each feeding, and consult your paediatrician for guidance.

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As you can see, the answer to the question “How long should you breastfeed before switching to formula?” is not as simple as it seems. 

If your baby is healthy, and if you choose to breastfeed, then formula is completely unnecessary. However, if recommended by a paediatrician, or if you choose not to breastfeed for whatever reason, then the answer to the question “How long should you breastfeed before switching to formula?” is for at least three months (ideally). But again, don’t beat yourself up if you feed your baby formula earlier than this. 

Whatever decision you make, mums, know that you do it with your child’s best interest at heart and so, you should not feel guilty about it.

Here at theAsianparent Singapore, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Singapore is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.

Written by

Nalika Unantenne