Stress and Hair Greying: The Science Explained

Think stress is making your hair go grey? You’ll want to read this! Learn the facts about stress and hair greying.

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Stress and hair greying often seem linked, but is it really the case? Many people believe that stress can speed up the process of going grey. We’ve all heard stories of leaders and celebrities leaving high-pressure jobs with noticeably more grey hair. But what does the science say? Let’s explore the connection between stress and hair greying and what we actually know so far.


The Link Between Stress and Hair Colour

Research shows some interesting connections between stress and hair greying. In one study, researchers found that people with higher stress levels were more likely to have premature grey hair. However, this wasn’t the only factor. The study also found that alcohol use, chronic diseases, and genetics played a role. So, while stress may be a factor, it’s not the full picture.

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In another study, scientists looked at mice to better understand how stress affects hair pigment. They found that when the mice experienced high levels of stress, their bodies released a hormone called norepinephrine. This hormone affected the stem cells responsible for hair colour, leading to grey hair. While this study was conducted on mice, it does suggest that stress may affect hair colour in humans too.


Human Studies: What We’ve Learned So Far

While research on mice shows a clear connection, it’s harder to study stress and hair greying in humans. Ethically, researchers can’t put people under intense stress just to see if their hair goes grey. But, one small study in 2021 provided some clues. In this study, researchers looked at the hair of 14 people and linked specific stressful events with the time their hair started turning grey.

It’s worth noting that the study was small, so we can’t draw definite conclusions yet. More research is needed to confirm the connection between stress and hair greying in humans. However, the findings do suggest that for some people, stressful experiences might play a role.


Other Factors That Cause Grey Hair

While stress and hair greying might be connected for some, genetics is still the main reason most people go grey. If your parents turned grey early, there’s a good chance you will too. Other factors, such as medical conditions, can also cause premature greying. Conditions like vitiligo, alopecia areata, and thyroid issues can lead to changes in hair colour.

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Vitamin deficiencies, particularly in B12 and D, are also known to contribute to early greying. If you smoke or have an unhealthy diet, these factors may also play a role. But remember, going grey is a natural part of ageing, and for many, it’s more about genetics than anything else.


Can Reducing Stress Prevent Grey Hair?

It’s still unclear whether reducing stress can prevent or reverse grey hair. The studies we have so far are small, and more research is needed to determine whether stress is a major cause for everyone. What we do know is that, for many people, genetics plays the biggest role. So even if you manage stress perfectly, you might still go grey if it runs in your family.

That said, managing stress is always a good idea for your overall health. Lowering stress can improve your mental and physical well-being, even if it doesn’t keep your hair from turning grey.

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Embracing the Grey

While stress and hair greying may be linked for some people, it’s important to remember that going grey is a natural part of life. Some people experience it earlier, while others go grey later. Either way, it’s something many people face. And as attitudes shift, grey hair is becoming more accepted and even celebrated.

Whether you choose to embrace your grey hair or cover it, the choice is yours. What matters most is how you feel about it. Stress and hair greying may be connected, but worrying about it won’t help. Instead, focus on feeling good in your own skin—grey hairs and all!


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Written by

Matt Doctor