Strengthen Your Bond With These Six Phrases Adult Children Want to Hear

Want to improve your relationship with your adult children? Learn the phrases they yearn to hear from you.

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As we age, the phrases adult children want to hear from their parents become crucial, shaping our adult lives. Nurturing a positive rapport in this new phase requires effort. Effective communication, mutual respect, and empathy lay the groundwork for a thriving relationship.


Why Validation Matters

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Therapist Nedra Glover Tawwab, renowned for her book “Set Boundaries, Find Peace,” shared insightful phrases on her Instagram, highlighting the significance of validation. Lara Morales Daitter, from The Connective, emphasises the healing power of acknowledging past pain and understanding.


Six Phrases Adult Children Want to Hear From Parents

1. ‘I’m sorry.’

Acknowledging mistakes is paramount. Jor-El Caraballo stresses that as adult children reflect on upbringing, sincere apologies validate their experiences, fostering mental well-being. Arielle Dualan suggests adding, “How can we work through this?” to enhance the impact.


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2. ‘I was in survival mode.’

While not excusing poor parenting, recognising the challenges faced provides context. Glover Tawwab explains that discussing past circumstances fosters understanding and aids in healing the parent-child relationship.


3. ‘I’m really proud of you.’

Caraballo emphasises the importance of parental pride, offering reassurance and motivation. Recognising achievements instils confidence, especially in millennials navigating life’s complexities.


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4. ‘Your life path is different than mine, but I support you.’

Respecting individual journeys is vital. Morales Daitter highlights the importance of parental acceptance, empowering adult children to make autonomous decisions.


5. ‘Do you want advice, or would you prefer for me to listen?’

Navigating challenges requires a delicate balance. Glover Tawwab advocates for respecting adult children’s autonomy and offering support without overshadowing their independence.

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6. ‘I’m still here for you.’

Maintaining a supportive presence is timeless. Caraballo stresses that while roles shift, parents remain allies in their children’s lives, offering guidance while respecting boundaries.



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So, there you have it – six phrases that can make all the difference in our relationship with our parents. From apologies to words of encouragement, these little nuggets of wisdom can strengthen our bond and bring us closer together. So why not give them a try? After all, who doesn’t love a heartfelt ‘I’m proud of you’ every now and then?



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Written by

Matt Doctor