6 months development update: What’s your baby up to?

After six months old, your baby has a whole new developmental milestone to reach for. Read on to find out what they are.

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After six months, your baby’s cognitive, motor, emotional and communication skills are progressing rapidly. He is acquiring new language skills, developing his physical strength and coordination. Read more about his developmental milestones after six months.

What your baby can do after 6 months

After six months, you will notice that your baby starts trying to communicate with you. Brain development will continue and your baby will spend more time babbling and learning the art of imitating sounds1,2.

These speechlike sounds are the same for all babies, no matter what language you speak in your home. It is a progression of muscle control and ability to master sound control. Providing him with plenty of stimulation along with proper nutrition to continue doing what he does, is an important part of 360° Development.

What is 360° Development and how is it achieved?

360° Development refers to your child’s growth that is demonstrated in four key developmental areas: Cognitive, Motor, Emotional and Communication.

Appropriate nutrition, environmental influence and sensory stimulation play an important role in your child’s developing brain and overall development.

Your Baby’s Development After 6 Months

Cognitive & Communication: He can babble strings of vowels and consonants to imitate adult speech1

Motor: He can mimic parts of some simple behaviors, like raising his arm when you make the Itsy Bitsy Spider climbing movements3

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Motor: When placed in a seated position, he is learning to sit on his own 1

Emotional: He is showing early signs of stranger anxiety4

After six-months-old, your baby begins to express himself through verbal cues.

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Ba-ba-ba: The sound of self expression5

This marks a milestone in your baby’s development, as he shows real signs of trying to communicate his desires. He may be subtle in his efforts, or not at all. He might tap your hand, or stare at you.  He will also let loose with strings of vowel and consonant sounds, to imitate what he hears you saying. In any event, he’s definitely trying to get your attention. And even if you don’t understand him, try and be patient. This phase of infant communication can be frustrating for your little one.

Another of your baby’s self-expression techniques is called social imitation3. In other words, he wants to be just like you. Try this little game. Open your mouth, and watch him follow your lead. Bang a toy, or splash the bath water and see if he repeats the action. Be sure to follow up with lots of positive reinforcement.

Sitting up is a key developmental milestone for many babies after 6 months

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Learning to sit

Thanks to his increased strength, your baby may try to roll over in both directions and sit with support by putting his hands on the floor, for a period of time1,6. He may also try reaching for his toys while sitting, and may tumble or roll as he does so. Getting back into a sitting position on his own is the first step in becoming mobile7. Build on your baby’s more developed physical control by sitting him up, unsupported. Surround him with pillows for support and safety and watch carefully in case he falls.

What other social and emotional changes are taking place in your baby’s development after the age of six months? How can you support it? Click on the next page to find out.

Stranger danger

It can be startling when your smiling little one—the frequent celebrity at grocery checkout counters, social butterfly at neighborhood parties—suddenly turns off the charm around strangers.

Your baby learned very early in life who his parents and the other key figures in his life are. He showed his pleasure when you appeared—and that’s how he responded to other people as well. Now, as your baby becomes more attached to you, he grows more wary about people who aren’t you.

Separation anxiety is a normal emotional stage of development

At first, your baby may simply begin to regard strangers with greater wariness than he once did. He may grow quiet and watchful. Then he may begin to balk if the stranger comes too near, or tries to play with him or hold him. Stranger anxiety can then heighten into flat-out rejection, with your baby crying or otherwise protesting loudly to someone other than you, even when you’re right there.

You can’t force your baby to be sociable, nor is it a good idea to try. Instead, respect this sign of his growing maturity. Don’t force him to smile and interact, because it’s a losing battle. Rather, give him a little space and time, and he’ll often warm up to a stranger and decide the person is a friend.

While plenty of stimulation from parents and other caregivers is essential, so is proper nutrition.

Find out about the important nutrients found in Enfamil A+ Stage 2 on the next page…

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Every time your child thinks, billions of neurons connect rapidly for a new learning experience.

Introducing Enfamil A+ Stage 2 with 360° DHA PLUS, now available in Ready-to-Use bottle.

It is scientifically formulated with:

  • 17mg DHA & 34mg ARA per 100kcal
    DHA & ARA are important building blocks for brain & eye development
  • Choline supports overall mental functioning
  • Unique blend of Polydextrose (PDX) & Prebiotic (GOS)

Enfamil A+ Stage 2 Ready-to-Use is also available in powder format

Now your child can get the same nutritional goodness every time, at home or on the go.

Just shake, pour and feed!

To find out more about the new Enfamil A+ Stage 2 Ready-to-Use, click here.

Breastmilk is the best for babies. The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. Unnecessary introduction of bottle feeding or other food and drinks will have a negative impact on breastfeeding. After six months of age, infants should receive age-appropriate foods while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of age or beyond. Consult your doctor before deciding to use infant formula or if you have difficulty breastfeeding.

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014) Important Milestones: Your Baby at Six Months. Date accessed: 1/12/15. Available at: www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/milestones-6mo.html
  2. Nair MKC, & Russell, P (2012)The Development of the Infant and Young Child. 10th Elsevier: India. Pp.114
  3. Ask Dr Sears (2015) 6-12 Months: Child Development During the First Year. Date accessed: 1/12/15. Available at: https://www.askdrsears.com/topics/parenting/child-rearing-and-development/bright-starts-babys-development-through-interactive-play/6-12-months-baby-move
  4. Kaplan, A. (2015) Separation and Stranger Anxiety. Date accessed: 1/12/15. Available at: www.everydayfamily.com/baby-stranger-anxiety/
  5. National Institutes of Health (2007) Milestones in Speech and Language. Date accessed: 1/12/15. Available at: newsinhealth.nih.gov/2007/september/docs/01features_01.htm
  6. Pillitteri, A. (2010) Maternal & Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing & Childrearing family. 6th Lippincott Williams & Wilkins: Philadelphia. Pp.814
  7. Barbre, J. (2013) Foundations of Responsive Caregiving: Infants, Toddlers, and Twos. Readleaf Press: USA. Pp. 84

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