Britain's most prolific sperm donor fathers more than 800 children with the help of Facebook

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Britain’s most prolific ‘rogue’ sperm donor fathers more than 800 children by selling his ‘magic potion’ over Facebook for just £50 a pot.

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Simon Watson, 41, has been donating his sperm for 16 years. During that time he’s fathered hundreds of children, with women giving birth to his offspring at least once a week.

The self-professed ‘rogue donor’ advertises his so-called ‘magic potion’ on Facebook and other internet selling sites in hopes of achieving the world record of having the most children.

According to Mr Watson, he fathered around 800 children so far. He aims to reach a thousand.

Mr Watson, from Luton, Bedfordshire, said that he hands every recipient of his sperm a syringe with each pot and reassures that he gets tested regularly to prove he has a clean bill of health.

He stated that he used to go through sperm banks to donate but found that doing it by himself is much more convenient. Through advertising on Facebook, he gets to see what people are actually like on their profile, claiming that it’s a safe way of singling out potential parents.

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However, by offering fresh instead of frozen sperm, Mr Watson’s donations fall outside the regulations laid down by the Human Fertilisation And Embryology Authority, which governs licensed sperm banks in the UK.

Not recommended in Singapore

Singaporean women looking for sperm donors are advised not to look for one in unconventional ways such as this, so as to prevent any health risks.

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Even if it was a cheaper option, women should consider the potential risks it might pose to themselves and their potential baby.

There are now three sperm banks in Singapore – one each at the Singapore General Hospital (SGH), National University Hospital and KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital. All private fertility clinics source the sperm they need from these banks.

Generally, men who are keen to donate their sperm should not have hereditary diseases or suffer from any medical or mental conditions. Here’s the list of criteria for sperm donors:

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  • Healthy men aged between 18 and 40
  • Single or married
  • Singapore citizens living in Singapore, permanent residents or foreigners with Singapore employment permits
  • If not a Singaporean, the potential donor must have lived in Singapore for at least a year
  • The donor should clear the mandatory health screening process.

For more information on sperm donation visit this website.

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Brenda Loo