How Sofia Chen's SME Mentorship is Changing the Game

At just 16, Sofia Chen is making SME mentorship accessible for all. Learn how she’s transforming the business world with upcie!

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Sofia Chen’s SME mentorship is making waves in the world of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). At just 16, Sofia created upcie, a platform designed to simplify the mentorship process for SMEs, making it more accessible and efficient.

In an exclusive interview, Sofia shared the inspiration behind upcie, her journey as a young entrepreneur, and her vision for the future.

The Inspiration Behind upcie

Sofia’s inspiration for upcie stemmed from the struggles she witnessed in her mother’s mentoring of small companies. Sofia noticed the lengthy and complex process businesses underwent to secure mentorship, with only a few fortunate ones succeeding.

“I realised there was a significant gap that needed to be bridged,” she explains. This observation sparked the idea for upcie, a platform that streamlines the mentorship process and makes it accessible to all SMEs, regardless of their size or industry.

Sofia (middle) with father Ronald Chen and mother Ann Kositchotitana at the Hwa Chong Founders Day Prize-Giving Ceremony, after receiving awards for her academic excellence, leadership, and sports achievements; With her mother Ann Kositchotitana (left) as a guiding figure, Sofia (right) shapes upcie by contributing the process specifications that make the digital matching work (Images from Sofia Chen)


Sofia’s Support System in Creating upcie

Sofia attributes much of her success to the support she received from her family and mentors. “My mum has been a guiding figure in the development of upcie,” she says. From teaching her how to create process flows to writing detailed business documents, her mother played a crucial role in shaping upcie.

On the technical side, the lead developer provided guidance on technology and security, ensuring that upcie is not only effective but also user-friendly.


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The Importance of SME Mentorship

Sofia Chen’s SME mentorship through upcie is more than just a platform; it’s a lifeline for small businesses. By connecting SMEs with experienced mentors, upcie provides them with the tools they need to succeed.

Sofia believes that mentorship is crucial for the growth of any business. “Mentorship can be the difference between success and failure for an SME,” Sofia notes. Sofia Chen’s SME Mentorship through upcie aims  to create a supportive community where SMEs can learn, grow, and thrive.


Launching upcie on National Day

Sofia chose to launch upcie on National Day, a decision that holds personal significance for her. “It felt like the perfect time to introduce something that would help people come together and grow,” she explains. The values of unity and progress associated with National Day align with Sofia’s vision for upcie, making it an ideal launch date for a platform designed to empower SMEs through mentorship.


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Overcoming Challenges as a Young Entrepreneur

Sofia, a competitive archer, draws on the guidance and discipline she has picked up in the sport for upcie’s concept (Credit: Salt and Light Archery)

Being a young entrepreneur comes with its own set of challenges. For Sofia, the biggest hurdle has been juggling multiple commitments—school, archery, a baking internship, and upcie. “It’s a lot to handle, but I’ve learned to manage my time wisely,” she says.

Despite these challenges, Sofia remains committed to her vision. “Some of  my older peers might have fewer commitments outside work, giving them more flexibility,” she notes. Nonetheless, Sofia has learned to navigate these challenges by prioritising her tasks and managing her time wisely. Her ability to balance these responsibilities is a testament to her dedication and maturity.

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Staying Motivated and Unwinding

Staying motivated while managing multiple responsibilities can be tough, but Sofia’s passion for what she does keeps her going. “My passion in everything I do is what motivates me,” she shares. Sofia finds motivation in setting goals, whether in archery or business, and enjoys seeing the results of her hard work. When it’s time to unwind, baking is one of her favourite activities. “I love baking cookies and cupcakes with my sisters; it’s a fun way to spend time with my family,” Sofia adds.

Sofia finds relaxation through the art of baking. (Image from Sofia Chen)

The Future of upcie and Sofia’s Vision

Looking ahead, Sofia has big plans for upcie. She envisions the platform becoming a go-to resource for SMEs looking to grow their businesses. “I hope upcie will create a significant impact on the SMEs that sign up with us,” Sofia shares. She also plans to continue her entrepreneurial journey, exploring new opportunities and expanding her knowledge of the business world. Sofia’s dedication to her work and her vision for the future are sure to make a lasting impact.


Encouraging the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Young People

Sofia’s story is not just about her success but also about inspiring others. She believes that young people should be encouraged to explore entrepreneurship. “Parents should nurture their child’s curiosity and problem-solving abilities,” Sofia advises. She emphasises the importance of resilience and the willingness to try different things until you find your passion. Sofia’s journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and the impact of supportive mentorship.



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Written by

Matt Doctor