[22 May 2021] Education & Enrichment of Your Child

Join our Zoom Webinar on ‘Education & Enrichment of your child’ and get information on Parenting and Children development in new norms.

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At a time when social distancing is the need of the hour, most outdoor areas only allow limited number of participants, classes have moved online, events are no longer taking place, how are we supposed to educate our children? How are we to give them an enriching educational experience?

Worry not, because during our Singapore Parenting Festival, we are bringing to you a webinar on ‘Education & Enrichment Of Your Child’ that will answer all your concerns and help you get better ideas to enrich your kid’s childhood in the current environment.

So as you embark upon an exciting and life-changing journey called pregnancy and parenthood, do tune in to our informational Zoom Webinar wherein our speakers will talk about:

– How to boost your kid’s Social and Academic Development

– Effective Communication & Bonding with Kids in new norms

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– How to manage screen time for your kids ?

Watch The Webinar Recording Here:

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Visit Singapore Parenting Festival for more information to help parents find answers to their parenting and pregnancy concerns. 

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